There are plenty of things we never get taught. Most of us are on our own to learn them, and some never do.
That’s why I like the DAE reddit group. They consistently ask these questions, and it gives me a sense of calm that other folks are wondering the same things I am.
Here are some of the best ones we’ve seen.
DAE get so anxious about the stuff you need to get done in your day that you end up just wallowing in a cesspit of procrastination as your anxiety continues to grow while you sit there doing nothing, rather than just getting up and doing it?
DAE still not have tiktok downloaded and isn’t planning to?
DAE really love extreme stormy weather—Dark clouds, lightning, rumbling of thunder?
DAE hate having to make an account for pretty much everything online these days?
DAE ever just suddenly loose interest in everything and everyone and just want to spend your days alone in silence with no human contact ?
DAE stay up too late despite needing to sleep because you don’t want your free time to end?
DAE check their pee color and feel proud of themselves when they see that clear hydrated urine?
– mocaro
DAE say to themselves, “Wed-nes-day” when you’re writing down Wednesday?
DAE sometimes get halfway through writing a comment or reply, only to say “eh, screw it.” and just move on?
– b1ackcat
DAE restart a good song if they are distracted and not appreciate the song enough?
DAE when they notice someone’s typo, look at their keyboard to see if the wrong letter is near the correct letter?
DAE pay attention to how long the driver’s eyes are off the “road” when they are talking to a passenger in a movie/ tv show?
DAE think that it’s not “tomorrow” until you go to sleep, no matter how late you stay up?
DAE try to catch actors “breathing” during scenes where they’re supposed to be dead during movies/shows?
DAE like sleeping with a fan blowing on them but being burried under the covers?
DAE practice fictitious arguments in their head in order to be prepared in case the imagined situation manifests itself for real some day?
DAE sleep better when they hear rain or know its raining out?
– JBall123
DAE rarely take breaks when doing physical labor around the house because the second they stop to rest they lose all momentum and won’t start up again?
DAE always say “ouch” whenever you bump into something even though it didn’t hurt?
DAE think the elderly should have to take periodic driving tests to insure they can still safely drive?
– Anheroed
DAE occasionally come across a distinct smell that immediately takes you back to some vague childhood memory that you can’t quite put your finger on, and you’re overwhelmed with a beautiful sense of familiarity and nostalgia for a few seconds until it vanashes?
DAE get annoyed when looking at recipes online and before they get to the recipe you get this whole backstory about growing up in Kansas and every Sunday……
Does anybody else’s blood run cold when someone says “we need to talk” to you?
DAE get pre-annoyed before someone starts talking because you already know how annoying they are?
DAE have their phone permanently on silent?
– DKR0002
DAE intentionally look away from those video ads that they force you to watch for 10 or 15 seconds before you’re allowed to click “skip ad” in order to not give them the satisfaction that they got you to watch?
– parquet7
DAE wait to eat their meal until they have found the right show or movie to watch on tv?
DAE get sad because you feel that everyone else is closer to each other than anyone is to you?
DAE find it almost impossible to fall asleep without at least a sheet covering you
DAE when your pet is cuddled with you, try to explain to your pet the reason you’re getting up and that you will be right back and not to move?
DAE get lost in nostalgia while cleaning out storage and then spend the whole time looking at old photos, playing with old toys, etc instead of actually cleaning?
DAE feel attractive when they look in the mirror, but feel hideously ugly when they see/take a photo?
DAE get into random spurts of motivation to be productive and just starting doing things that need to be done all at once and if you stop for even 5 minutes you go back to procrastinating/laziness?
– Pinanims
DAE get weirdly anxious before a planned phone call, video call, or meeting even if it is very casual and even your friend?
DAE sometimes try to use a word you don’t use very often in a post or comment but quickly google it first to make sure you are using it correctly and don’t look like a dumbass?
– Nolan-
DAE not feel comfortable if they have things to do later in the day?
DAE used to count the people in front of them when reading out loud in class to see which sentences you had to read and practice before it got to you?
DAE have in-between clothes? I wake up, put on hang around clothes…but if I have to go out in public I have another level of clothes for that. Then when I come back home I change back to the crappy comfy clothes. Anyone else?
– gbuugx
DAE say ‘Hi’ to their pets whenever you walk by them around the house?
DAE actively not want to use a product if it’s advertised too much or forced down your throats?
DAE, when packing, take at least 2 times more underwear then you would ever need for that trip, ‘just in case?’
DAE imagine what the exact location you are at looked like thousands of years ago before it was discovered by humanity?
DAE just allow people to repeat something they’ve already told you without saying “you told me this already”?
DAE ever hear their alarm go off in the morning and immediately start rationalizing quitting your job or dropping out of school in order to stay in bed?
DAE feel like they can’t enjoy their day if they’re expecting something or doing something later in the day?
– v0ngrl
DAE purposefully not look at a flashy car so the driver doesn’t get an ego boost?
– japooki
DAE think the music they listen to is really good while listening alone, but when showing it to others, they get extremely self-conscious about it?
DAE get frustrated when watching someone Google something less efficiently than you would?
– kitcia
DAE eat the worst parts of a plate of food first so you can enjoy the rest of your meal?
DAE feel guilty when a repairman is over and you’re not helping him/her, even though the reason you’re paying them is to do a job you don’t want to do?