20 Oddly Satisfying Images People Shared In An Online Group

There’s nothing better than watching a perfectly satisfying video or seeing juuuust the right picture. We rounded up twenty excellent examples from the ‘Oddly Satisfying’ subreddit so you can collectively scroll through and say “ahhh.” The community touts itself as on a mission to collect  “those little things that are inexplicably satisfying”. I say they got it.

1. The reflection looks like a moon

micheas08 / Reddit

2. Lined up zebras

scot816 / Reddit

3. Cottage cheese cloud

Jessieface13 / Reddit

4. Load up the moon

UncleSquach / Reddit

5. Curled fox

sirblocksnall / Reddit

6. Leaf art

asilvertintedrose / reddit

7. These are actually plants!

StcStasi / Reddit

8. Washing a sheep

sailorjupiter28titan / Reddit

9. Kitty curl

tobago_88 /Reddit

10. Rice field art

11. Straight!

12. It’s coming

13. Tidy

14. This is a picture

15. Reflective beetle

16. The alphabet

17. Lime

18. Get it, carrot

19. Salt mountains

20. Perfect