2. I saw a wheel come loose off a van as it attempted a right hand turn. The wheel rolled through traffic into the open bay of a tire store across the street.
8. My older cousin was teaching me and my younger cousin how to play poker. My younger cousin had four out of five cards for a royal straight flush. My older cousin told him not to draw more cards because the chances of getting a royal straight flush was pretty much impossible and was imploring him not to do it. My younger cousin did it anyways and got a f*cking royal straight flush!
10. I saw someone drive off with the nozzle from the gas pump. It triggered the fire suppression system and everything looked like the Stay Puft Marshmallow man exploded.
15. I witnessed my buddy hit a hole in one on a par 4. Dude had never played golf minus frequent driving range visits and was having a horrific day before it.
17. Ball of lightning, I was 14 and I just saw it going down some train tracks. After it disappeared there was this loud boom and I’m not sure if it exploded or made contact with something or someone
18. I was sitting at an outdoor bar and watch a fly buzzing around just drop dead all of a sudden and land next to me. I touched it with my finger to see if it would move a leg or something but it was 100% dead.
19. I was there when the German crews were tearing down the last part of the Berlin Wall that was to be removed. We followed along and busted some chunks off and picked up pieces to take home.
20. Full Solar Eclipse. It was amazing. A perfectly clear sunny day in August for a few short minutes became dark as night and the Sun looked like a black hole with a quasar surrounding it. Then a moment later it was sunny again.
21. I saw a UFO. When I say that, I do mean it literally, as I simply don’t know what it was.
I was driving in traffic at night in Boulder CO, sometime around 2012 I think. I saw this circular light way off in the distance. It zigzagged a bit, and then shot off sideways, out of sight super quickly. It was such a brief moment that it took me a second to process what I had witnessed.
22. I saw a mountain lion when I was five walking through my grandma’s backyard. She lives in Connecticut and supposedly they were considered extinct in that area in the nineties- this was in the nineties by the way.
23. I lived on a sailboat off of Mexico. One day day this huge item floated under the water. It was longer than the 44′ sailboat. Then it breathed and we could tell what it was. It was a mom and baby blue whale.
25. I once rolled up to a stop light and when I looked to the right I saw a man sucking on a woman’s toes while in the drivers seat of his car. He made eye contact with me and dropped the foot. Once the light was green he just sped off.
McDonald’s wasn’t anything special in my country, and I was a little kid. We were in Moscow because of my dad’s work. He said “Oh btw do you guys want McDonald’s for dinner tonight, one’s just opening here today.” We thought it might be busy but we weren’t ready for the insanity.
29. On a bus tour in Denali national park we came across a pack of 6 wolves in broad daylight, casually walking along. The bus driver said he had been doing this for 30 years and had never seen anything like it.