25 People Who Mistakenly And Hilariously Called Themselves Out Online

Self awareness is a good trait to have because it keeps you in check, but only if you listen to yourself. However you don’t want to end up becoming a self-awarewolf.

Self-Awarewolves are people who recognize their own flaws, mistakes, or faulty logic but don’t see them as a problem to be addressed or connect them to their own behavior and beliefs.

Ths Self-Awarewolves subreddit curates the bets posts (from anywhere) where people unknowingly describe themselves and it’s quite cringe-worthy.

Here are some of the top posts people have shared:


1. “OP is inches away from getting it”

via reddit

2. “realises he has the same ideology as the Taliban”

via reddit

3. “Under a Bernie tweet about how children should have free school lunches”

via reddit

4. “Imagine identifying the issue so precisely yet missing the point by so much”

via reddit

5. “anti vaxxers have it all figured out”

via reddit

6. “A curriculum only a mother could love”

via reddit

7. “For this one main reason…”

via reddit

8. “How much would you pay for free speech?”

via reddit

9. “Ian Miles Cheong approves of the Founding Fathers’ classism that would keep poor people from voting while ignoring their racism which would keep him from voting”

via reddit

10. “How did they not realize?”

via reddit

11. “Leave those kids alone.”

via reddit

12. “So close. so very close.”

via reddit

13. “So, so close”

via reddit

14. “hm……………”

via reddit

15. “amazing self-own”

via reddit

16. “Got the dastardly plot about gas prices right, but completely whiffed on why they were high and who it benefited”

via reddit

17. “He comes *this close* to understanding the concept of consent”

via reddit

18. “So, by that logic…”

via reddit

19. “User tries to get AI to be a bigot, gets confused when AI disagrees”

via reddit

20. “nice guy thinks he’s a nice guy”

via reddit

21. “It’s funny how people don’t find our non-credible sources to be credible.”

via reddit

22. “Cancel student debt and stop the wars!”

via reddit

23. “You ever been so afraid of socialism that you became a socialist?”

via reddit

24. “PragerU accidentally tells the truth.”

via reddit

25. ” It’s getting colder and colder earlier in the season. Climate change is BS.”

via reddit

Nate Armbruster

Nate Armbruster is a stand-up comedian and writer based in Chicago who is likely writing a joke as you read this. Find him online at natecomedy.com.