antiwork easter post

Boss Chews Out Worker For Taking Easter Off Even Though It Was The Management Team’s Fault

The problem with management “teams” is often times that team doesn’t communicate with each other. You tell one boss something thinking it’ll get to all of the, but it turns out they don’t talk.

This is the case with reddit user u/aurarasburst who posted about her situation on the subreddit r/antiwork. They requested time off to be with their family for Easter, and did so by submitting with one of their bosses. When the day came their other boss contacted them very upset asking why they didn’t come into work.

You can read the full story here

antiwork easter post - title

antiwork easter post - woman texting

antiwork easter post - text thread

antiwork easter post - angry boss

antiwork easter post - I first started in my training

antiwork easter post - applied friday

antiwork easter post - refure to sign the writeup

antiwork easter post - family at easter

antiwork easter post - ready to quit?

antiwork easter post - ready to quit?

antiwork easter post - so i've gone back to the original tried and tested method

antiwork easter post - sounds like someone screwed up

What are your thoughts on this situation? Have you been in a similar one before? How did you handle it? Let us know in the comments.


Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome