Karen Customer Demands Worker “Do His Job And Help Her” So He Does, And She Hates It

Dealing with difficult customers is a part of any job that involves customer service, but there is a particular type of customer who has become infamous in recent years: the “Karen.” This term, often used to describe entitled, demanding, and often rude customers (usually women), has become a shorthand for a specific type of customer service challenge.

Karen customers can be frustrating, exhausting, and even intimidating to deal with, particularly if they are making insane demands or unreasonable requests.

Recently, a worker posted a story to reddit about this very subject. He had to go outside of his department to get some materials, but this put him around the customers. With customers, come Karens. This is his story:

“Do your job!” …Okay, Karen

malicious compliance karen - do your job!

malicious compliance karen - I had a massive order to grab.

malicious compliance karen - (raging harpy voice)

malicious compliance karen - woman at hardware store

malicious compliance karen - Ummm... my bad.

malicious compliance karen - (taking calming breaths so i don't lash out)

malicious compliance karen - pushes her hand away

malicious compliance karen - drawer of bolts

malicious compliance karen - Okay, what size is that?

malicious compliance karen - You will not come at me like that

malicious compliance karen - (cue what could count as malicious compliance)

malicious compliance karen - what was funny was

malicious compliance karen - He laughed and showed me

You know the commenters love some Karen justice.

malicious compliance karen - damn. I would've lost my mind

malicious compliance karen - always good when your managers will back you up

malicious compliance karen - the most satisfying part of this

malicious compliance karen - that was satisfying

malicious compliance karen - there is nothing in the world that feels better

malicious compliance karen - when she said

malicious compliance karen - 80% of the problems are cause by 20% of the people

malicious compliance karen - she totally screwed up her chance at getting any help

malicious compliance karen - my job title comes into play later

malicious compliance karen - what a nut

malicious compliance karen - Ugh, If she can't be bothered

malicious compliance karen - I'm a grown man

malicious compliance karen - I love that she didn't even get owned

malicious compliance karen - The Karening

malicious compliance karen - Fantastic perfect compliance

malicious compliance karen - screw around and find out

malicious compliance karen - Having worked with the public


Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome