Throughout your career, you will encounter many types of coworkers. Some will become lifelong friends and others will drive you absolutely crazy. unfortunately in some cases, that person is the boss.
Having a horrible boss makes showing up to work much more annoying, so I don’t blame any of these people for shaming them online. Sometimes they’re just asking for it.

2. “Boss told me after massively overworking me that if I want to play in his sandpit I need to toughen up. Told him I don’t want to play in the sandpit, I want time to lay on the lawn with my cats. He told me to take my cats and fuck off. He was bluffing. I wasn’t. I quit! Coming at ya from my lawn!”
4. “Who Is The Boss Now?”
6. “Is It Normal To Not Want To Discuss The Base Pay?”
7. “Had Approved Time Off, Boss Still Scheduled Me”
8. “Boss, We Need New Tools”, “You Just Got New Tools”
9. “2 Weeks Of Telling My Boss The Produce In The Warehouse Are Going Bad. Him: Don’t Worry About It”
10. “Throwback To June Of This Year When My Employer Wrote Me Up For Discussing Pay With Coworkers! (Which I Didn’t Even Do Btw)”
11. “Great Thank You I Will Put You Down”
12. “Finally Decided I’d Had Enough Of My Boss On Monday, And Did It Feel Good”
13. “You Love To See It”
14. “Trashy Bosses”
15. “My Boss Gave Me These Gloves For ‘Welding’ After My Old Ones Burned”
16. “Working Night Shift Without Holiday Pay. This Is The Lunch They Provided. Happy New Year”
17. “Who’s Worse – The Manager Or The Racist Customers?”
18. “My Boss Called Out Today Because His Team Lost The Super Bowl”
19. “So I’m 5 Days Into My Covid Positive Reading And My Boss Sends Me This Because She’s Short-Staffed And I’m Still Feeling Absolutely Ill”
“I’m in Florida for winter break and she’s back in NC meaning I would have to fly while covid positive.”
20. “I Work In Construction And Get Paid In Cash. My Boss Thinks He’s Funny”
21. “My Sister Recieved This Email Today. It Was Sent From Her Manager To All Her Coworkers”
“She reported it to HR and they told her it was “out of place for her to critique her superior’s emails.”