And The “Worst Neighbors Of The Week” Award Goes To… — 20 Sucky Neighbors

Okay, so picture this – you’re trying to catch some Z’s after a long day at work, and your next-door neighbor decides to throw a raging party that lasts until the wee hours of the morning.

Or maybe you wake up to find that someone parked their car so close to your driveway that you can barely squeeze out. Sound familiar? Well, we’ve got some seriously sucky neighbors to share with you this week.

These folks have earned themselves the “Worst Neighbors Of The Week” award for being the most inconsiderate and annoying neighbors around. So if you see them around the block, give them a friendly wave…or maybe just a dirty look.

1. “Just moved into town and made gift baskets for all of our new neighbors!….One of them threw it back onto our lawn and called the cops on us for trespassing.”

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2. “Neighbor’s kid decided to decorate my car with a rock to make it look ‘cute.'”

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3. “My neighbours have ripped garbage bags consistently every week, and I never see them do anything about it.”

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4. “We left 7 months ago. Came back to this. Upstairs neighbor had a leak and never fixed it”

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5. “My neighbor thought it was ok to park this close to my front bumper. When I asked him to move up, he said the guy wasn’t home and he didn’t know where he was…uhh HE is the guy!”

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6. “My neighbor has weeds in his fake grass”

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7. “This planter was almost 100 years old and my grandmother’s. Thank you, next-door-neighbor’s demon child, aka Spawn of Satan.”

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8. “Neighbor cut my internet line”

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9. “Upstairs neighbor out of town for 3+ weeks with an overflowing sink & now our bathroom and bedroom walls & ceiling are soaked through.”

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10. “New neighbors moved in in front of us. They keep these lights on all the time. This is our bedroom windows and the view from our bed at 2am.”

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11. “Came home from work and found out my neighbor had a leak, ironically on the shape of this face”

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12. “Had plans for a Backyard BBQ this Memorial Day weekend and last night my neighbor drove through my fence”

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13. “My neighbor’s dirty laundry water came up through my sink”

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14. “The new neighbors just cut down 5 beautiful oak trees that used to give us to much shade. The new view kinda sucks…”

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15. “Neighbors insurance doesn’t want to pay for damages due to it being cause by nature…”

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16. “DoorDashed food and in the 5 minutes it took me to get to the door, the neighbors cat ate through the box and stole some chicken.”

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17. “Neighbors kindly inflated my son’s soccer ball for him”

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18. “Neighbor’s cat decided to take shit on our skylight.”

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19. “Neighbors shutter blew off in high winds and scratched the crap out of my driver’s door. Fun times!”

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20. “Borrowed my neighbor’s truck he never drives to haul some stuff. Wanted to be nice and bring it back filled up since it was almost empty when I got it”

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Nate Armbruster

Nate Armbruster is a stand-up comedian and writer based in Chicago who is likely writing a joke as you read this. Find him online at