‘I Have Most Of My Day Done By 8AM’ — 30 Early Risers Share The Reasons They Wake Up At 5AM

Rise and shine! Have you ever wondered what motivates individuals to jumpstart their day while most are still comfortably tucked under their covers? This reddit thread shares insights from 30 exceptional individuals who have embraced the early morning hours and unlocked a world of productivity, mindfulness, and success.

In this captivating compilation, you’ll hear firsthand accounts from a diverse group of individuals, each with their unique reasons for choosing to wake up at 5AM.


Dog can’t seem to understand we sleep in on the weekends! – vladgrinch


Age. As a teenager I could sleep all weekend. From about 30 I never needed an alarm clock as I would always wake up before I needed to. At around 40 I started waking up around 0630 and it gets earlier every year. I’m now almost 60 and am generally awake around 0430 and up and running by 0500 regardless of how late I go to bed. If this trend continues I will be getting up before I’ve gone to bed.
There are times like weekends when I wish I could sleep in but overall I enjoy being up early. Sunrise, coffee and peace are nice. – irrelevant1


I get up at 5:30. I can have most of my day done by 8 am when normal people get up, meaning I can get things done a lot quicker since nobody else is about to interrupt or distract.

On days off I do the same, the gym is dead, Starbucks is dead, I can have all my housework etc done by 8am when I have breakfast and then the day is mine to do whatever I want with.

I put endless stock in peace, everything is peaceful at 6am, nothing is peaceful at 9:30. – Solicitor_99


My cat politely lays on my neck until I wake up… – Maddogtannenisbiff


My job is an hour away and I still need about an hour to cry in the shower. – ClubMyPenguin


I’m a light sleeper and naturally wake up from light. Also once I’m awake it’s very difficult for me to fall back to sleep. – Soliart


Can’t help it. I Naturally wake up around then. I like it tbh, everyone else is mostly asleep too so it’s a peaceful way to enjoy a coffee and wake up at your pace. – Odd_Imagination_6617


Seriously, my wife does this. Up at 4 most mornings.

Personally, I’m useless if I don’t get my seventeen hours of sleep. – LoathsomeNarcisist


My GLUTTONOUS F*****G CAT – LowKeyHeresy


By 6:30 AM there is already gridlock on the way to work. I go in early and get off early, beating the rush hour traffic both ways. – Zoraji


I, like many people, typically have to be at work around 8. If I wake up at 5, I’m able to give MYSELF time before I give it to my employer. Before I even step out the door to go to work I have time to read, make a nice breakfast, exercise, and maybe work on a personal project for a bit. It honestly just puts me in a better mood going into the day. – Goldtac


On my days off, I get up between 5:00 and 6:00 AM, so I can skate as the sun rises and the heat isn’t intolerable. It’s a great way to center myself. – KresblainTheMagician


Older now, so going to bed 9ish is typical and 0500 is habitual. Sunrises and sunsets double bubble. Draw back is when friends come to visit and want to stay out late so lots of coffee/espresso. Another plus are earlier dinner times and food quality is better (staff less busy and can focus on your order), not out with folks who may have partied too hardy, relaxed pace. – rbrewer11


Started off not being able to sleep in. I’d desperately like to at least a few times a month, but my brain just wakes up around 5. So, instead of being pissed off every morning that I can’t sleep, I’ve learned to take that time to myself and enjoy it. It’s actually really nice. – NEVANK


I’m a barista. I make other people coffee before I can have coffee. – jbmaun


Do you think I’m doing this on purpose? – acres_at_ruin


S**t needs doing. – anon


I have more time to f**k around. – Peter_Pallet


I like the quiet and alone time of the early morning… allows a couple of hours of doing what I want and no one interrupting or distracting me

Allows me to set the pace of the day also, slow and steady and take my time, rather than rushing around

The absolute best is just sipping my coffee in peace and quiet though. – Mundane_Tour_3215


There’s a small human that pokes me in the eye and says “mommy up” until I get up and make her toast. – NoSleepNoCoffee1


Work. – BlueCitizen97


KIDS. – bradedgenz


For whatever reason, it’s easier for me to wake up REALLY early in the morning (3 am to 6 am) then later on in the morning. If I wake up at 5 am, I have time to catch my breath and move slowly into the day, and I generally am buzzing with energy by 6 am. If I wake up at 7 am, especially in the summer when it’s already light out, I feel behind, stressed, etc and that just makes me lay in bed longer.

Knowing this, about three years ago I started working at a bakery where shifts start at 4 and 5:30. It’s always funny to me how some of my coworkers, while present and doing their jobs, clearly aren’t full awake until 8 or 9, whereas I on the other hand am talking a mile a minute the second I get in the door and I haven’t even had coffee yet. It’s also funny because even as a really little kid I had a reputation of being able to sleep forever. I slept until 2 pm as a teenager most weekends if my parents didn’t notice. I think my internal rhythm is just off but waking up super early is the only thing between me getting up and living my life and languishing depressed in bed all day. – squishhsquashh


I go to sleep at 5pm. – JollyFatJenny


No chaos for the day, the day becomes peaceful… – herazanaseer


Raving insomniac 4 hours most nights 5 now and again. – Clean_Hold6781


I wake up at 5am because somehow it makes my day longer and I get around 2 hours extra than those who don’t.As a result, my day goes smoothly and I am likely to carry out my routine on time without worrying about getting late.

I do sleep early ofc. – That_Late_Bloomer


Workout before work. – Medical-Bowl5643


The way I brew my coffee and make a morning smoothie takes a bit of time, and I like to watch the sun rise. – HornDogglerHorbo


I work for a living and my job requires I be there by 6am. – ackmon


Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome