In the world of Hollywood and entertainment, the passage of time has long been viewed differently for male and female celebrities. While men are often celebrated for gracefully embracing their aging appearance, women face a double standard that places undue pressure on them to defy the natural process of getting older. Instead of being allowed to age gracefully, female celebrities are subjected to an industry that heavily relies on airbrushing and Photoshop, perpetuating an unrealistic standard of eternal youth.
Recently one Tiktoker (u/caroline_in_thecity)Â and photoshop wizard poked fun at this ridiculous double standard by editing some male celebrity photos the same way the women get edited. The results are just as bizarre as you’d imagine. Read on for the details.
@caroline_in_thecity I definitely think about this everytime i see a cute little wrinkles on ‘silver foxes’ and smoothed doll skin on women the same age. #pedropascal #maybeitsphotoshop #photoshop