Are Workplace Pizza Parties Offensive? — Employees Share Their Thoughts In This Viral Thread

Ah, the age-old tradition of workplace pizza parties—where slices of cheesy goodness bring employees together for a moment of camaraderie and relaxation. But in recent times, this once-appreciated gesture has sparked a heated discussion on whether it may be offensive to some employees.

Recently, one employee began the discussion over whether or not office pizza parties are offensive. Read on for the details. 

“See trickle down economics really does work” – u/potsticker17.

“At one point that was called Horse and Sparrow Economics. ‘If you feed the horse enough oats, some will pass through to the road for the sparrows.”” – u/Orcus424.

“Yeah, I was in a position to attend the daily department heads & management meetings at a hospital for a time. This provided me access to some of the financials for the hospital as the hospital was ‘looking for ways to make cuts.’ It was brought up that over $750,000 a year was being spent on catered lunch meetings. Basically, the department heads and C Suite folks were having various lunch ‘meetings’ every single day and having them catered. 3/4 of a mil per year. Was it cut? Was it reduced? F-ck no it wasn’t. Those cuts had to come at the expense of staffing/materials/equipment/quality of care. Every single day I wanted to punch each and every one of those people who constantly claimed patient care always came first while demonstrating the opposite.” – u/Protolictor.

“People at the c suite level and above only see the business as a way to extract money. Everything that doesn’t provide to them is an expense that’s in the way. They are parasites.” – u/Lazy-Jeweler3230.

“My old companies flavor was Jean Day ~vouchers~ which you could bring to your boss for ~permission~ to wear jeans on a day where there would be no clients and no upper management on the campus.” – u/Grizzledude8.

“Friday was jeans day IF you paid $1 to the ‘social fund’ or had a ‘reward voucher’. This was the same company that had a ‘holiday party’ that was 30 minutes off the phone in the meeting room with the Rankin-Bass Rudolph the RedNosed Reindeer playing on the tv, and the only refreshments were candy raided from various desks and tap water. They just sucked at a human level.” – u/WillDupage.


Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome