Anton Gudim and his “Yes, But” comics, are back for round three! Because why not have a trilogy when two just isn’t enough, right? You know, the old adage, “Yes, you’ve seen some comics, BUT have you seen all of these?” (Check out the other posts here and here.)
This Russian maestro of mild mockery and casual contemplation keeps dishing out the relatable slices of life, paired with those “But” moments that make you chuckle, nod, and say, “Yep, that’s basically my life in a nutshell.” Or, perhaps, “Yes, that’s life, BUT why does it have to be this way?”
So, grab a comfy seat and prepare to nod along to the downright perplexing paradoxes of everyday life, served fresh from the drawing board of Anton Gudim. He’s still at it, folks. Not just saying “Yes” to life’s absurdities, but slapping a big, sarcastic “But” right next to it. Enjoy these new additions, and feel free to let us know your favorites. (Yes, we want your feedback, BUT remember, we’ll probably just nod and say, “Interesting choice.”)
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