So you’ve heard the one about not breaking two rules at the same time, right? It’s the age-old wisdom that even reckless teenagers and wannabe rebels at least pretend to consider while pushing the envelope. Well, it looks like an HR department that thinks it’s playing 4D chess decided to just throw that wisdom out the window like it’s yesterday’s trash—by illegally having their salaried employees fill out time cards while simultaneously frolicking through other labor law violations.

Let’s call it what it is—a self-own on the part of HR. When you’re toying with labor laws like they’re Lego blocks, you’re not just stacking risks, you’re building a tower of imminent doom. It’s like playing Jenga with legal statutes and the whole thing is wobbling on a single wooden peg labeled “Don’t Be Stupid.”
One disgruntled employee decided they had enough of this petty time-card tyranny. Ah, the underdog. The little engine that could say, “Screw this, I’m not playing your nonsense game.” Now, of course, this is from a Reddit thread about malicious compliance, which means it’s like the Bible for passive-aggressive heroics. Our unnamed worker (u/bolshe-viks-vaporub) didn’t just roll over; they sat back, plotted, and handed HR a one-way ticket to Justiceville.
See, the worker knew the law was on their side—having salaried employees fill out time cards is about as kosher as serving bacon at a vegan brunch. They also knew HR had crossed a line; probably a line drawn with the same invisible ink they used to rewrite labor laws in their minds. So, the employee did what we all wish we could—legally give them the finger while staying completely within the bounds of “I’m just following your rules.”
You’d think by now HR departments would have learned that if they’re going to be the corporate equivalent of a schoolyard bully, they should at least read the rulebook before they start their shenanigans. But nope. Instead, they’ve offered us another delicious tale of self-inflicted downfall, filled with ironic twists and deeply satisfying “Gotcha!” moments.
So what’s the lesson here? It’s simple. Know the rules, especially if you’re going to break them. Otherwise, you’re just handing the rule-abiding David the metaphorical sling to knock out your Goliath-sized stupidity. And honestly, in this time of cosmic chaos, who doesn’t love a good tale of sticking it to the clueless overlords?
Read also: Boss Implements New Email Policy, IT Worker Maliciously Complies, Leading To Unexpected Consequences