The start of the school year: a time of fresh notebooks, crisp uniforms, and the excitement of new beginnings. But for many parents, it’s also a time of deep-pocket dives as supply lists grow longer and school budgets appear tighter. While eager to ensure the best for their child’s education, parents are increasingly finding themselves in the crosshairs of a wider systemic issue: providing materials for not just their own child, but the entire class.
Recently, one mom, Shanitta Nicole (@shanittanicole), vented on Tiktok after finding out her child got a bad grade because they didn’t bring supplies for everyone else in the class.
“He’s like, ‘My teachers are gonna give me a zero if I don’t turn in the school supplies, the classroom supplies,’ and I’m like, ‘Why would she give you a zero?’”
“But she didn’t say nothing about the fact that I said we shouldn’t have to supply your class with supplies. So I emailed the principal because I just, I might be extra, but I just want to see what’s going on. Why do I have to buy supplies for the classroom?”