Woman Explains Why She Hates When Europeans Don’t Tip, Causes Fiery Discussion In The Comments

Tipping has been debated a lot lately. While tipping customs vary widely across the globe, there are moments when cultural differences collide head-on with the expectations of restaurant staff. Some European visitors, whether intentionally or out of genuine confusion, may seem hesitant to embrace the customary tipping practices often observed in the United States.

Recently, one woman, @dennisethemenace, shared her frustration with Europeans not tipping.

“For the longest time, Europeans have been preaching, ‘When you come to Europe, you have to abide by our social norms and our ‘this’ and our ‘that’”

“But when you come to America, you’re crying and whining about a $52 tip? Babe, if you’re broke, just say it. This is a $288 bill. If you have enough to be spending this much at a restaurant, then you can tip $52.”

“‘Oh, you just took my order, brought the food to me, and cleaned up the food, and you’re just doing your simple job’”

“More times than not, servers are doing way more than just taking your order and bringing your food to you. At most restaurants, if there’s a salad included with a meal, the server is the one making that. Sometimes it could be a host or something like that. But it’s not always the kitchen doing everything.”

“All servers have to tip out everyone in the restaurant – the cooks, the bartender”

“Sometimes the hostess and the bussers. If you tipped this person $20, they would probably be getting maybe $5 of that $20. And this makes me so mad because being a server sucks. It sucks. You have to deal with rude Americans, let alone the Europeans that are coming in with this huge attitude and this huge ego.”

“I worked in a fancy sushi restaurant and I’m not even joking. The servers never wanted to serve any of the Europeans”

“Because 1, they knew they wouldn’t tip, and 2, they were genuinely super rude. Then she goes on to say, ‘You guys should fight for better wages and all this [stuff].’ Girl, have you been to America? We’ve been fighting for how many things that have not been changed. We just… like, what?”

“And I saw people in the comments being like: ‘No, most servers prefer this system with the tipping system. Yeah, to get paid $4.30 and have to hope that someone tips you. You let the government brainwash you into thinking this is okay. Every American knows that our government system is messed up. So truly, if you think you can do it and get our government to listen to us, please be my guest.”

“It’s the fact that a lot of Europeans let a couple of interactions or a couple of people dictate how all Americans are”

Here’s what people are saying in the comments:

h/t: BoredPanda


Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome