“Super Antics” by Kerry Callen is a side-splitting journey through the world of superhero comics. Callen’s brilliant parody twists the traditional superhero narrative into a series of uproarious scenarios that will leave you in stitches.
His take on classic superheroes is not only funny but also cleverly crafted, showcasing his unique wit in every panel. These funny parody comics are a must-read for anyone who loves a good laugh, especially if they’re fans of superhero tales.
Kerry Callen’s “Super Antics” elevates the art of parody, blending the familiar elements of superhero lore with a refreshing and funny perspective that’s rare in comics. Each panel is a testament to Callen’s talent for turning the world of superheroes into a playground of humor.
Follow Kerry Callen: Instagram | kerrycallen.myportfolio.com | kerrycallen.blogspot.com