“What Screams ‘Trashy Parents’?” — 30 People Give Brutally Honest Answers

Hold onto your judgment hats, folks, because we’re about to take a deep dive into the realm of brutally honest opinions and unfiltered observations.

In this eye-opening post, individuals share their unvarnished thoughts on a rather provocative question: “What screams ‘trashy parents‘?” It’s a question that invites us to peek behind the curtains of parenthood and confront some of the eyebrow-raising, cringe-worthy, and downright perplexing moments that have left a mark on their minds.


makeski25,Hanson Lu

Kids running around a store trashing the place and not a parent in sight.


Rooster-Wild,Ivan Samkov

Social media influencers whose entire content is their children. People who publically punish their kids online, parents who give out way to many details about their children giving them lack of privacy. Child exploitation at its finest.


Express_Topic_4081,Vitolda Klein

Having so many that you can’t properly care for them all, or having the older kids care for the younger ones most of the time.


WuffGang,Jill Wellington

Force them into beauty pageants as toddlers.


Kreema29,RODNAE Productions

Changing your kids diaper in a Walmart parking lot and throwing the diaper full of s**t on the ground for someone else to deal with.


Salt-Direction4885,Jon Flobrant

Mothers who sees their daughter as competition.


InfiniteWords117,Keira Burton

Kids destroying other people’s stuff/property and the parents are just standing there and laughing like it’s a form of amusement. Once went into a older movie store and there was a child bashing the glass with his ball and throwing the movies all over the floors.

The mother (presumedly) let her child continue to do that despite others’ protests including the manager’s. I don’t fault the child, doesn’t know any better. The mother should’ve been asked to leave the store with her son.


Edward_the_Dog,Ron Lach

I lost count of how many parent conferences I had that went like this:

Me: You child’s grades and behavior are horrible.

Them: I don’t know what to do! I’ve tried everything!

Me: Like what?

Them: I took their PS5 away, and their XBOX360, but then they went crazy, so I gave it back to them.

Me: So you tried like nothing?



When I waited tables in college, I saw a mother fill her young toddler’s bottle with Coca-cola. I thought it was just horrible.


Difficult_Shine3675,Anastasia Shuraeva

When their kids could literally set the world on fire and they’ll blame anyone else to avoid responsibility.


Parents emotionally blackmailing their kids. Using guilt and obligation to control their children. – SuvenPan


Smoking in the car with the kids in the back. – 2leewhohot


ColtenLance,bruce mars

Watching YouTube videos on their phone at full volume without headphones while in a public place.


There is a kid (maybe 8-10 years old) on the other side of my street right now yelling slurs and telling everyone who walks by to go f**k themselves while their parent sits on the porch smoking weed and laughing. This is a regular occurrence. I’m fairly certain the kid has a mental disorder but the fact that the parent seems to be encouraging the behavior is pretty trashy. – SternCoats


Posting videos of your child having a meltdown while you mock them. – msjammies73


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but ear piercings on kids just past the newborn stage. – RichardNotJudy


I know not everyone will agree with me on this, but parents buying their kid’s vapes and other things at a young age. – soundcloudListener



Too many pets. Like…way too many to the point where they don’t really take care of them.


Making your kids take care of their siblings instead of them having a life. – hopefulleo2112


Kids that smell like smoke because their parents smoke indoors.

It was my parents. Everybody hated when we came over because everything we’d touch would smell like cigarettes as well. Couldn’t convince my parents to smoke outside of the home because “it’s their house and they’ll do as they please”. – bumblingbirdy


Nillabeans,Artem Podrez

Babies in the background of twerking videos. It’s just weird.


Parents that seem disinterested in their kids. They don’t even necessarily have to be neglected (though they usually are). I just find it strange when I see kids very obviously trying to reach out to their parents or creating a bit of a scene in public and the parents are just like, “yeah, whatever” and go back on their phones. – chipsails


Refusing to believe their kid can do wrong. – rippedradiator


holdingpotato,Kelly Sikkema

When the kids are sick and contagious, but the parent(s) want a night out, and don’t tell their childcare provider their kids are sick.


Young children whose teeth are already black and rotting from lack of care.

Children in dirty/smelly clothes – not from a child playing outside as kids do, but legitimately filthy, unwashed, clothes.

Kids running wild in public with no attempts to reign them in. – WrongRedditKronk


Allowing your children to become obese, its child abuse, simple as that. No reason a 12 year old should be 180lbs. – aup123


anon,Jana Sabeth

When I see a 5 year old in nothing but a diaper, and a pacifier to shut them up.

I’m not saying those are always indications of it. But when I show up to babysitting job. And there’s a clearly-to-old for a diaper kiddo greeting me. I’m probably going to meet some trashy parents.


Having a favorite child. – Available_Dress1405


Cussing out their school-age kids, especially out in public. – Constant-Bet-6600


Babies with pierced ears. – metzgermeister87


Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome