Buckle up for a hilariously bleak ride through the twisted world of The Square Comics, where Indonesian artist Alvin Juano turns the dark corners of his imagination into comic gold. In this realm, the absurd meets the macabre, and life’s cruel jokes get a punchline that’s bound to leave you chuckling nervously. Imagine if existential dread decided to take up stand-up comedy, and you’ll get a pretty good idea of what Alvin’s dark comics are all about.
From the grim reaper getting caught in awkward social situations to love stories that make Romeo and Juliet seem like a fairytale, The Square Comics masterfully blend the morose with the mirthful.
So, if your sense of humor enjoys taking walks on the dark side, and you find laughter in the face of despair, prepare to meet your new favorite comic series. Let’s delve into the wonderfully warped world of Alvin Juano, where every strip is a reminder that it’s okay to laugh at the grim.
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