35 Strangest “Liminal Spaces” That Left Us With An Unsettling Feeling This Month (March 2024)

Liminal spaces transcend the fleeting trends that often capture the internet’s attention, having firmly established themselves as a favorite amongst those who revel in the uncanny. These odd pictures, curated from r/LiminalSpace, portraying environments that seem to exist in a threshold between two states of being, embody the quintessence of the eerie.

The unease some feel stems from their haunting tranquility, while others are perturbed by a sense of recognition, of something familiar yet distinctly unreachable. The undeniable effect of liminal space imagery is its ability to place us in a realm of in-betweenness, evoking a profound sense of displacement.

For enthusiasts of the eerie and collectors of haunting visuals, prepare to be ensnared. The images awaiting you blur the boundaries between the known and the mysterious, each corner of these liminal spaces teeming with secrets waiting to be uncovered. Consider yourself cautioned: these photographs might just captivate your imagination well into the wee hours.

1. A “green space” being built in a hospital.


3. A street corner of NYC in the 1970s.

4. An apartment building in my city.


6. Birthday room in my local movie theater.

7. Einstein’s desk photographed a day after his death, 1955.


9. Frame from Tom and Jerry episode.

10. Have we all seen this restroom in our dreams or just me?

11. I have such a weird feeling of this painting.

12. Is it just me, or does Barbieland feel liminal to you too?

13. Last trash can before the edge of the world.

14. Mike Tyson’s abandoned mansion.


16. My friend lives in a mall that was converted to apartments.

17. Real pictures from my town, watersafe bunker in Germany. Is right now active.

18. So , I was traveling when I saw this tree , it’s located in France , the most beautiful image I surely took…




22. This building is next to my elementary school.

23. This hotel is so weird.

24. This is a toilet from my friend’s campus.

25. This staircase at my friend’s apartment building.

26. Tunnel at my university.

27. Tunnel underneath a dying mall.

28. Visited my childhood mall, it always had so many people. I can still hear them but…I don’t see anybody…

29. What thoughts does this image evoke for you?

30. You’ve been here before, trust me.



33. Old grocery store turned into a library.




Stefanie Mustian

Stefanie is an architect with 15+ years of working both independently as well as on teams of some of the top Architectural Firms in the country located in Atlanta, Washington D.C. and New York. She currently runs BoardBatten.com a coastal architecture and design service in Port Aransas, Texas. She is also the wife of the dude who runs Pleated-Jeans.