45 Funny Cooking Fails From Folks Who Should’ve Ordered In This Week (May 2, 2024)

Fire up your ovens and get your fire extinguishers ready, because we’re about to dive into the smoky world of this week’s most hilarious cooking fails! From charred “chef-d’oeuvres” to pasta that could double as wall plaster, these kitchen catastrophes are so epic, they almost deserve a Michelin star for creativity.

Whether it’s cakes that have sunk faster than the Titanic or pizzas that look like they’ve survived a meteor strike, each of these culinary misadventures offers a hearty dose of humor to anyone who’s ever thought, “Maybe I can cook.” So, grab a snack (preferably something you didn’t cook), sit back, and enjoy the sizzling showcase of what happens when ambition meets non-stick pans that decided to stick. Welcome to the ultimate “Nailed It!” episode of home cooking gone wildly wrong!

1. “Forgot I Was Heating Oil For French Fries”

Cooking Fails Reddit

2. Just Learned The Hard Way That Curcuma + Hot Water + Rice Noodles = Satan’s Pasta. I Shrieked

Cooking Fails Reddit


Cooking Fails Reddit

4. “I Ran Out Of Food Coloring While Making Cookies And Now The Dough Looks Like A Transplantable Organ”

Cooking Fails Reddit

5. I Dropped The Cheesecake While Unmolding It

Cooking Fails Reddit

6. “Fiance Accidentally Left A Pot Of Simple Syrup On The Stove To Burn And Made An Asteroid”

Cooking Fails Reddit

7. “My Rat Cookies Definitely Didn’t Turn Out Terribly Awry”

Cooking Fails Reddit

8. “Housemate Heated Up Meatball Spaghetti In A Microwave And Left It There For 3 Weeks”

Cooking Fails Reddit

9. I made you cookies.

Cooking Fails Reddit

10. “My Mixer Took Its Own Life”

Cooking Fails Reddit

11. A little overcooked

Cooking Fails Reddit

12. “Apparently I Bought A Brining Bag Instead Of A Baking Bag”

Cooking Fails Reddit

13. “I Forgot To Put Water In My EZ Mac. Stepped Away To Change The Laundry While It Cooked For 3 Minutes”

Cooking Fails Reddit

14. “My Boyfriend Made Croissants This Way”

Cooking Fails Reddit

15. “Always Check Your Oven Before Turning It On, Kids”

Cooking Fails Reddit

16. Expectation vs. Reality

Cooking Fails Reddit

17. “My Sister Tried To Bake Brownies Using Her Own Recipe. She Said The Recipe Included Flour, Eggs, Skittles, Nutella, And Butter. All Random Amounts”

Cooking Fails Reddit

18. “This Is Why I Don’t Cook”

Cooking Fails Reddit


Cooking Fails Reddit

20. “Accidentally Left Bagels In The Oven For Five Hours”

Cooking Fails Reddit

21. Caution: content may be hot

22. “I Tried To Boil Some Eggs”

23. Yet somehow, still frozen in the middle


25. Time to get a new oven

26. Pizza’s done!

27. Never underestimate the importance of parchment paper



30. Adopt, Adapt and drink tea


















Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome