40 Attempts At Home Gardening That Ended In Hilariously Disappointing Results

Home gardening is the ultimate test of patience, skill, and sometimes sheer luck. Whether you’re growing herbs on a windowsill or managing a full-blown backyard veggie patch, there’s something truly magical about tending to plants and watching them grow. But not every story ends in a bountiful harvest. Some are just funny.

Welcome to the wild and wacky world of r/MightyHarvest, where the funny gardening fails are as epic as the dreams of a “mighty harvest.” This subreddit is the internet’s backyard garden party, and trust me, everyone’s invited. It’s a place where home gardeners, or at least attempts of them, share their gloriously gone-wrong gardening fails. From carrot crops that would make Bugs Bunny cry to sunflowers that seem to think the sun is actually on the ground, it’s all about celebrating the lighter side of not quite having a green thumb.

If you’re looking for inspiration to give it a shot, dig into the most hilariously humbling plant misadventures on the web below. And remember, every brown thumb tells a tale, and at Mightty Harvest, those tales are pure hilarity.

1. “No need to buy tomatoes all winter!!! Canning time!”

via r/MightyHarvest

2. “My hand didn’t even for around it”

via r/MightyHarvest

3. “I thought these were pomegranate seeds. Then I realized they were potatoes and made potato wedges.”

via r/MightyHarvest

4. “My Prepper husband wasn’t thrilled with my plants contribution to our survival garden”

via r/MightyHarvest

5. “My mighty carrot and potato harvest will surely feed me through the winter”

via r/MightyHarvest v

6. “My mightiest potato from this year’s crop!”

via r/MightyHarvest

7. “I’ve been told y’all would appreciate my tomato here!”

via r/MightyHarvest

8. “Only one green onion stalk survived, but damn it is girthy”

via r/MightyHarvest

9. “My carrot”

via r/MightyHarvest

10. “I think i’ll keep us fed through winter boys no worries”

via r/MightyHarvest

11. “Watered every day for months”

via r/MightyHarvest

12. “Finished harvesting our Minnesota potatoes”

via r/MightyHarvest

13. “Finally grew one(1) bell pepper after 3 years of trying. It tasted disgusting “

via r/MightyHarvest

14. “The largest of Oranges”

via r/MightyHarvest

15. “the only pepper my plant grew, luckily its massive”

via r/MightyHarvest

16. “My First Potato (banana for scale)”

via r/MightyHarvest

17. “Finally some fruit! My family no longer has to starve”

via r/MightyHarvest

18. “Wtf happened to my lemons!!!!”

via r/MightyHarvest

19. “Was told to post this here!”

via r/MightyHarvest

20. “Behold, my mightiest citrus”

via r/MightyHarvest

21. “My wife grew a comically smol cantaloupe”

via r/MightyHarvest

22. “Sharing this juicy, flavorful melon”

via r/MightyHarvest

23. “Ah, yes. 9 long months of waiting for….this. Truly mighty”

via r/MightyHarvest

24. “My tomato plant is working extra hard this year Tiny”

via r/MightyHarvest

25. “A magnificent feast of carrots”

via r/MightyHarvest

26. “The full harvest of oranges this year. I’m going to make so much marmalade!”

via r/MightyHarvest

27. “Mightiest of Corn”

via r/MightyHarvest

28. “First time growing potatoes”

via r/MightyHarvest

29. “I’m going to set up a lemonade stand!”

via r/MightyHarvest

30. “Random corn stalk growing in my yard. Feeling blessed.”

via r/MightyHarvest

31. “Our porch pineapple”

via r/MightyHarvest

32. “Smol cantaloupe, now cut in half for your viewing pleasure”

via r/MightyHarvest

33. “All of my hard work this summer has paid off. Finally I can solve world hunger”

via r/MightyHarvest

34. “Behold, my mighty pea harvest.”

via r/MightyHarvest

35. “Entire carrot harvest. At least it didn’t hit any stones on its journey down into the earth.”

via r/MightyHarvest

36. “What to do with THIS much oranges? Don’t wanna waste, any ideas?”

via r/MightyHarvest

37. “I grew a singular tiny pumpkin from seeds advertised to produce giant pumpkins!”

via r/MightyHarvest

38. “I’ve been blessed with a bountiful harvest Tiny”

via r/MightyHarvest

39. “Behold the bounty of the only pepper I successfully ripened last year”

via r/MightyHarvest

40. “This year’s carrots! Won’t be hungry for at least a few minutes after this feast.”

via r/MightyHarvest

Nate Armbruster

Nate Armbruster is a stand-up comedian and writer based in Chicago who is likely writing a joke as you read this. Find him online at natecomedy.com.