Woman Finds Her Dog Up For Adoption A Year After She Had Him Put Down

Just last year, Kristie Pereira was living her best dog mom life, sharing adorable videos of her hound-mix pup, Beau, and soaking up every precious moment. Adopted from a shelter in Northern Virginia, Beau quickly became the apple of Kristie’s eye.

Fast forward a bit, and Kristie faced every pet owner’s worst nightmare—a vet recommending euthanasia due to presumed incurable health issues. Distraught, she took Beau to Montgomery County Animal Services, believing it was the end.

Little did she know, fate had other plans.

A shocking discovery

Months later, while aimlessly scrolling through the Facebook page of the shelter she had adopted Beau from, Kristie’s heart skipped a beat.

There he was—her beloved Beau—up for adoption.

“I don’t think that someone that just wanted to get rid of the dog would feel anywhere close to how I’m feeling about this and how I have felt about it. Like, none of it was easy,” Kristie told Fox 32.

The vet’s verdict

Back in December 2022, things took a turn when Beau started acting strange. Kristie rushed him to the vet, who suggested a neurological condition and prescribed some meds, saying to visit the ER if there was no improvement.

The situation escalated, and an ER doctor agreed there was a serious problem. The vet recommended costly and invasive tests, unlikely to help, pushing Kristie towards the heartbreaking decision of euthanasia.

The unexpected twist

With a heavy heart and a vet’s letter in hand, Kristie took Beau to Montgomery County Animal Services, expecting it to be their final goodbye.

But here’s the kicker—Montgomery County’s policy includes evaluating pets for treatability and adoptability before proceeding with euthanasia. Beau, diagnosed with a liver issue instead of the presumed neurological one, was deemed adoptable. Instead of euthanizing him, they sent him back to the shelter.

Communication breakdown

Kristie, having believed Beau was gone, never received a call from the county or adoption organization.

“This whole time, Kristie thought that she had put her dog down and never got a call from the county or adoption organization about what was going on,” Fox 32 reported.

Montgomery County Animal Services stated they only contact owners if a pet’s status changes and the owner calls back to express immediate regret.

Reuniting with Beau?

Finding Beau alive sparked a whirlwind of emotions for Kristie. Confused yet thrilled, she grappled with the reality of the situation.

“An emotional rollercoaster, it’s [been], to say the least,” she shared.

Despite understanding the organization’s policy not to return surrendered dogs to former owners, Kristie couldn’t shake her frustration and sorrow.

“He was like my little baby,” she said, expressing her lingering grief and the bittersweet discovery of Beau’s survival.


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The adoption organization maintains their policy and won’t return Beau to Kristie, despite the extraordinary circumstances.

The internet is divided on whether Kristie should be allowed to get Beau back


I’ve got to side with the minority here and say give that woman her damn dog.

People hate her for deciding to put Beau down; therefore, she no longer deserves him. Yet they take no issue with the vet’s misdiagnosis or the fact that no one told her the vet fucked up.

Put yourself in her shoes. She was told her dog is very likely going to die. But she could maybe give him a few extra shitty years of agonizing pain if she sells everything she owns for treatment — and even then it’s not likely. Sure, she could have gotten a second opinion, but that’s not something people typically do with dogs and I can’t fault her for not having the wherewithal to think of that. Maybe I’m a monster but I probably would have taken the professional’s hint. I’d bring the homie to McDonald’s for a final meal, let him run in a big field for a while, then hold his little paw while he drifts to sleep before going home and sobbing for a month straight.

And then we find out the vet shit the bed and you’re mad at the owner?? Get outta here. And what kind of weirdos run a shelter where they A) don’t call Kristie and say “hey your dog is actually alive” and then B) refuse to give him back when she finds out on her own. They keep using the word “surrender” as if she abandoned Beau — she thought he was dead!

Major fumble by the veterinary/dog adoption system. Team Kristie all the way. Somebody adopt Beau for her and lowkey hand him off.

h/t Bored Panda

Alex Buscemi

Alex Buscemi

Writer. Billionaire. Astronaut. Compulsive liar.

@whatsupboosh on socials.