40 Infuriating Times Landlords Were Terrible Even By Landlord Standards

Look, I’ve actually had a couple good landlords, but I’ve also had plenty of bad ones.

iWhen it comes to renting, most of us have experienced or at least heard of the legendary tales of bad landlords. You know the type: those who seem to have emerged straight from the depths of a horror movie, with their uncanny ability to make your life a living nightmare.

From mysterious maintenance delays that last longer than your lease to outrageous demands that make you question reality, these so-called landlords often resemble more of a bloodsucking leech than a responsible property owner — and this subreddit collects their most egregious offenses.

Today, we’re diving into some of these outlandish and (sometimes) laughable stories of landlords behaving badly.



3. “It’s almost like what’s bad for landlords is good for everyone else.”


5. “Sometimes you gotta flex those rights.”


7. “Anyone else stand behind and back the Boys in Beige?”

8. “You gotta look at it from the landlord’s point of view.”


10. This would only work if wages increased alongside inflation — but they didn’t



13. “Apartments here! Cramped, overpriced, thin-walled apartments here!”

14. “Landlords are the enemy of the working class.”


16. Quit being a bum and contribute.

17. “God is indeed good.”

18. “I just remembered this awful PSA from during the pandemic asking women not to prostitute themselves to landlords because they lost their jobs and can’t afford rent. How can anyone believe our society is normal?”


20. “Funny how landlords are refusing to take their own advice these days.”

21. “Hmm Landlords don’t want tenants that know their rights?”



24. “The furnace not working has been a continuous issue every winter.”

25. “This was our landlords solution to a door full of see through cracks for the winter storm”

26. This guy realized his landlord would be destitute without his rent

27. Still find it funny this ‘lord’ was this stupid”

28. “I informed my landlord that the law states I’m required to give 20 days notice to move out in a month to month lease, not 30. She was not happy.”


30. Cry more, landleeches






36. “My landlord told me to use a bucket until spring time”

37. “So even after no running water for 25 days, property management is saying if we move we’re still held liable for rent until a new tenet comes in. In a unit unfit for human habitation.”

38. “Merry xmas text from landlord – fend for yourselves! And fix my apartment if the pipes burst. Lowes closes at 6.”



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Alex Buscemi

Billionaire. Astronaut. Compulsive liar.

@whatsupboosh on socials.