Worker Uses “Corporate Math” To Point Out The Hilarious Absurdities Of Work Life

This math ain’t mathin’. 

People are becoming increasingly aware of how corporations and stingy bosses exploit their workers. And leadership coach Robyn L. Garrett recently posted a video on TikTok which highlights some of these corporate abuses of power.

Using “corporate math” she calculates instances where company policy doesn’t add up. The video — a spin on the viral “girl math” and “boy math” trends — has employees around the world praising her for her honest take on the struggles of work life in 2024.

Leadership coach Robyn L. Garrett posted a video that uses “corporate math” to highlight the absurdities of work life

Garret, the CEO of Beamably, took aim at predatory corporate policy in the hilarious TikTok video.

The audience chimed in with their own examples of “corporate math”

Read More: Woman Slams Modern “Work Culture” After Working Corporate 9 To 5 For Only 6 Months


Alex Buscemi

Billionaire. Astronaut. Compulsive liar.

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