This Map Shows What People Consider The Worst City In Each U.S. State

Writer Matt Shirley makes a new chart every day. While that may not seem like a huge accomplishment, I assure you coming up with an original idea consistently is no easy feat.

Matt started out sketching charts on a dry erase board, but soon evolved to digital charts. Now he is commissioned to make charts for money. I love it when someone starts out making something fun on social media and it turns into profit.

The chart that started it all:


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Maybe the most accurate one he’s done:


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I love a good Venn:


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They do look a little more professional when digital but the content is always great.


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As Matt’s following has grown, he’s been able to crowdsource data to make his charts more accurate. One of my favorite examples of this is his most recent one.

Matt polled his followers asking what was the shittiest city in every state. Now, if you’re seeing your city on there and thinking “Hey, what the hell? My city isn’t shitty!” Relax. This is a poll from thousands of people. Also, your city probably does suck but you don’t notice because you’re one of the people making it shitty.

I’ve been to several cities on this map and they all sucked. I’ll be interested to hear from people in the comments about the cities I haven’t been to. Do you agree? Disagree? I was in Lexington for 48 hours and I had a pretty good time. Seemed nice.


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I can’t recommend Matt’s page enough. Follow him on Instagram and participate in his future polls. I look forward to seeing more of this weird country for what it really is.


Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome