Woman Records Creepy Customer Who Won’t Stop Hitting On Her During Her Night Shift

Being at an empty gas station at night can be a creepy experience for anyone. And TikTok user Sami Jean (@nobootyshakin) is forced to work the night shift all by her lonesome.

To make matters worse, a persistent man keeps hounding her at her job, despite her polite attempts to reject his advances. She secretly recorded the creepy interaction, in which the man goes on a strange rant about the police and then invites her to take a ride in his car and visit a hotel room.

The internet was horrified by the bizarre and unsettling interaction. Keep going for the full story and to see the chilling video for yourself.

TikTok user Sami Jean posted a video of a frightening interaction she had while working the night shift by herself at a gas station

During her lonely graveyard shift at a gas station, Sami Jean found herself in a spine-tingling scenario when a random guy decided to strike up a bizarre and unnerving conversation.

Claiming disdain for cops and persistently hitting on her, he seemed oblivious to her discomfort.

When she asks why he is having continuous problems with cops, he brushes it off.

The man goes on an incoherent rant about his dislike of police and asks her if she wants to go for a ride in his car

a gas station at night with no people around
Photo by Hans Eiskonen on Unsplash

He then brazenly asks her out for a drive, interpreting her polite, albeit clearly uncomfortable, demeanor as flirtatious. 

In their odd banter, the man babbles about dodging “Robocop” – his term for a cop who apparently has a thing for arresting him.

One can only imagine his sketchy past.

Subtlety has no effect, so Sami resorts to telling the man she has a boyfriend

man in black and white adidas jacket and black helmet standing on road during daytime
Photo by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR on Unsplash

Sami’s unease peaks as she tries to shoo him away, claiming work duties. Oblivious, he persists until she says she has a boyfriend.

He rants about his fear of cops: “The police make me nervous. Law enforcement might come in here and get free drinks and donuts and [stuff] like that.”

Sami shuts him down, saying she prefers cops around, the clear subtext being “I wish there were one here right now!”

Sami stayed remarkably cool and collected throughout the disturbing interaction


me printing the exact same paper over and over to appear busy #creepyguy #redflags #awkwardlaugh

♬ original sound – Sami Jean

Amidst this creepy ordeal, Sami stayed remarkably composed, even as her heart probably raced. This night shift horror story sadly mirrors countless women’s experiences of harassment while simply minding their business.

Our creepy customer asked her out thrice, undeterred by her refusals. Some men, influenced by media portrayals, mistake “no” for “play hard to get.” It’s a perilous misread that leads to persistent, unwanted advances.

Some commenters offered advice, such as carrying a firearm or being more stern with her pursuer

person holding black semi automatic pistol
Photo by Roman Poberezhnik on Unsplash

Commenters suggested Sami arm herself. But she humorously admitted she’s too clumsy to handle a weapon safely.

Some advised ditching the polite act for a more stern approach. Yet, being abrupt with persistent men can sometimes provoke aggression. Psychologists warn such men might blame women for not reciprocating interest.

Sociologist Mitchell Duneier calls this tactic “interactional vandalism” – men pushing conversations to make women uncomfortable. Sami’s quick thinking to start recording was spot on. Experts say trusting your intuition is key when feeling off around someone.

Through all this, Sami’s calm demeanor and smart reactions kept her safe. It’s disheartening women face such behavior, but videos like hers spread crucial awareness. 

The internet was appalled by the man’s creepy and aggressive behavior


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Alex Buscemi

Alex Buscemi

Writer. Billionaire. Astronaut. Compulsive liar.

@whatsupboosh on socials.