17 People Share How They Won The Genetic Lottery And We Can’t Believe Their Luck

Color me green with envy.

Some people have all the luck. And they’ve taken to Reddit to rub our noses in it (in their defense, they were asked by u/askredditiscool).

From perfect hair and teeth to the ability to lick their elbow, these folks have some seriously awesome genetic traits.

Scroll through to be super jealous.


black and white dragonfly perched on white flower during daytime
Photo by Vladislav Balakshii on Unsplash

“I’m not allergic to mosquito spit. So they bite me, and I feel the pinprick, but I never get that red, swollen, itchy-as-hell welt. I also apparently taste bad enough to them that they will go for anyone else in the area before me.” —u/open_door_policy


“Not a single person in my family has gone bald.” —u/Much_Committee_9355


“My teeth are nearly perfect. Whenever I switch dentists, they are a bit stunned at the first appointment. My husband hates me for it.” —u/BilobaBaby


“Probably my best lottery win is mental stability. Not too high, not too low — just always in a pretty good mood, positive and happy. I don’t suffer from anxiety or depression, and it doesn’t take much to make me happy. I will always look on the bright side of any problem or situation. I am rarely angry. I’m half-decently intelligent; I’d like to think above average, but I guess that depends on the room. Considering in my family, there are serotonin deficiencies, I feel like I’ve made out pretty well.” —u/Lou_Garoo


eyeball statue near building
Photo by Gerax Sotelo on Unsplash

“I’ve got better than 20/20 vision. I got to 20/15, and the optometrist didn’t have anything smaller for me to read. But based on how well I read letters that small, he thinks I’ve got better vision than that.” —u/W3nt0ffT0M4rs


“Strong bones. At age 72, I’ve fallen several times in the last few years and have never broken a bone in my life.” —u/Duegatti


“Zero period pain. I forget I have it.” —u/atlantisdive


“I have an above-average memory, and I can read really fast (I read a line at a glance instead of word by word, if that makes sense).” —u/IncrediblePlatypus


“I inherited the sleep button gene from my grandfather. When I want to fall asleep, I just do…in a matter of minutes. I haven’t struggled with falling asleep/waking up more than 10 times in my entire lifetime. Downside: I can’t nap.” —u/VertebrateCrossing


a person with a blood pressure meter on their arm
Photo by CDC on Unsplash

“Blood pressure that is always ‘good,’ ‘great,’ or ‘low.’ Age 53, and everyone around me talks about their high blood pressure and how to manage it. I guess I consider that a genetic win.” —u/SandwichNo458


“High platelet count. My blood/plasma/platelets are very much in demand. I can walk into any donation center, and they fall over themselves to make accommodations to get my platelets. If I get cut, I’ll enter homeostasis rapidly. I think I’m the opposite of a hemophiliac.” —u/nescent78


“My beard is magnificent.” —u/Definition_Only


Thus proving it is possible to lick your own elbow” by J. Star is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

“I can actually lick my elbow.” —u/Soulerous


“Not sure yet, but I may live a really long time. People on my mom’s side just have exceptional lifespans. My great-grandma got in a bad fire at age 45 and had third-degree burns everywhere. No one thought she’d recover or live very long. Out of pure spite for the husband she’d been separated from for 23 years, she lived until she was 96. This was in India.”

“My great-great-grandpa lived until he was around 116. He maintained his capability and independence until the very end. In his last few years, he started to lose his eyesight and hearing, but he still cooked his own food, bathed himself, did the house chores, etc. My grandpa is at 78 right now, and he’ll hopefully remain in good health.” —u/a-lovelyy-ladyy


person wearing silver bracelet and bracelet
Photo by Apostolos Vamvouras on Unsplash

“I’m a woman who doesn’t grow leg hair. All my friends are very, very jealous about this, LOL.” —u/anotherbutterflyacc


“I’m tall. That’s it.” —Anonymous


“I didn’t win, but I also avoided all the ways you can instantly lose, so I don’t think I would risk a reroll if one were offered.” —u/viginti_tres

Alex Buscemi

Alex Buscemi

Writer. Billionaire. Astronaut. Compulsive liar.

@whatsupboosh on socials.