Those who make an attempt may experience failure, but they also have the potential to achieve great success. However, it’s important to remember that half-hearted attempts may lead to bigger failures than putting in maximum effort. So, if you’re going to try, it’s best to give it your all and go for it with everything you’ve got.
It’s like my high school gym teacher always said. “Trying can lead to failure, but not trying at all is a way to avoid failure altogether.”
There was an attempt…
1. “To have a drink at lunch…”
2. “to make grilled cheese in an air fryer…”
3. “To rob a bank with a knife…”
4. “to ride without a seat belt…”
5. “To protect you from cancer…”
6. “To make a baked potato…”
7. “To have a nice and fun Halloween decoration…”
8. “To appreciate people you work with…”
9. “To do math…”
10. “To get Uber Eats to stop delivering unordered food…”
11. “To scare away a prankster…”
12. “To hide the Price Tag…”
13. “To keep tourists away…”
14. “To be employable…”
15. “To stop me from downloading ‘a new browser’…”
16. “To thank someone…”
17. “To draw a front-facing horse…”
18. “To shave a cat…”
19. “To celebrate father’s day…”
20. “to be thankful to your workers…”
21. “To make a nest…”
22. “to teach kids some math…”
23. “To make a cute panorama picture…”
24. “to make fun of a bird…”
25. “To eat a mozzarella stick…”
26. “To prove how unfashionable these jeans were…”
27. “To save a slug…”
28. “To impress grandma…”
29. “To hide a package…”
30. “To eat a prop apple…”
31. Step1: Buy A Man
32. To Hide A Parcel
33. Lets Use Paper Straws And Wrap Them In Plastic
h/t: r/therewasanattempt