Welcome once again to the twisted world of Toonhole, where dark humor reigns and punchlines stab you when you least expect it.
These cartoonists have mastered the art of the unexpected, drawing laughter from the macabre and absurd. Whether it’s a tragically misplaced whoopee cushion or the inconvenient truth about life’s many pitfalls, Toonhole’s comics have a way of hitting that funny bone in a way that’s just a little bit painful.
And while Toonhole is a comics collective, comic artist Chris Allison (“Toonhole Chris”) is the one behind many of Toonhole’s greatest hits. Known for his blend of dark humor and unexpected twists, Chris uses traditional art methods to bring a nostalgic feel to his cleverly sharp creations.
Here are some of the best they’ve offered up recently.
More info: Instagram | toonholechris.bigcartel.com | x.com | Facebook | toonhole.com | patreon.com