35 Amazing Library And Book Shop Pictures For Avid Readers Who Love To Display Their Collection

Book lovers, rejoice! We’re diving into a treasure trove of the most stunning library and book collection pictures that will make any bibliophile’s heart skip a beat. Straight from the r/BookPorn subreddit, these amazing photos showcase the kind of book collections that dreams are made of—whether it’s cozy reading nooks, towering bookshelves, or beautifully organized libraries.

If you’ve ever fantasized about living in a world surrounded by books, these pictures are here to make that dream a reality, at least for a little while. So, prepare to drool over these literary havens that put the “shelfie” game on a whole new level!

1. Dropping out of college to have a bookstore on wheels.

2. My home library at night.

3. This is what a pandemic year looks like to a book lover. 126 read in 2020!

4. A french edition of Farenheit 451.

5. My little bookstore in the rain.

6. Just a little something coming through the shop…

7. My Barnes and Noble Leatherbound Classics

8. He has been selling used books in Morocco for 45 years. Everyone who passed through his library saw him drowning in his magical world ..!

9. I finally got all my books unpacked. I’m so pleased.

10. Secondhand bookstores are my happy place.

11. Estate sale haul.

12. My local bookstore. My happy place.


14. Somebody at Goodwill organized book spines by color.



17. “Women only want one thing, and it’s the complete Clothbound Classics Penguin collection“

18. Typewronger Books, Edinburgh, Scotland. A bookshop and the only typewriter servicing business in Scotland.



21. Crystallized mineralogy book.

22. Finally finished my library and unpacked my books. Eventually I’ll do the other side of the room. I really love how it turned out.


24. Mural in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

25. I work at B&N and I was really satisfied after I sorted the Civil War bay of the US history section (it took me 2 hours! It was an absolute disaster before)

26. A small used-book store in LA. The owner will offer you espresso. Support your local bookstores!

27. We found the coolest library ever in South Korea.

28. Abandoned house I came across – felt weird taking any home.

29. We recently bought a 110 year old house and found hundreds of old books from around the turn of the century in the attic! This is about half of them.

30. A collection of Folio Society Ancient Civilisations.


32. J.K. Rowling Harry Potter series, 20th anniversary edition from Sweden.

33. My copy of Dante’s Inferno




Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome