19 Strange And Slightly Unsettling Photos Of Trees Eating Things

I have a hippy friend who insists that trees can feel pain. While I can’t confirm or deny that fact, I do know for sure that trees feel hungry. Need proof? Look no further than this gallery.

These trees were so famished that they swallowed up random objects unlucky enough to be nearby. And the tree’s diet doesn’t discriminate. Action figures, fences, street signs. All part of a balanced and nutritious diet for a hungry tree.

Scroll on for some mildly creepy yet undeniably cool photos of trees that couldn’t help but gorge themselves on all sorts of random things.

1. “Poor Storm Trooper.”

2. “This wonderful specimen eating a ceiling.”

3. “This is how I found the Nerf gun my son lost nearly 10 years ago.”

4. “Delicious bricks.”

5. “Just let that sink in.”

6. “Fence is very good for tree health.”

7. “Lost my toy 17 years ago, and it fell on some hard times.”

8. “Eating a rope, spaghetti style.”

9. “Who knew there was specially grown axe shaft trees.”

10. “A 5,500 year old tree in India.”

11. “Feasting on some yummy souls.”

12. “Tree munching away on a bench.”

13. “A forgotten toy.”

14. “Nice googley eyes.”

15. “Let’s split the bench, it looks really tasty.”

16. “Not eating, but embracing.”

17. “This tree grew over the sign, but under the paint.”

18. “Slowly digesting this fence.”

19. “This tree swallowed a light pole and tried to run away with it.”

H/T The Scroller

Read More: 35 Funny Plant Memes For All You Pistil Whipped Fernatics (September 11, 2024)

Alex Buscemi

Alex Buscemi

Writer. Billionaire. Astronaut. Compulsive liar.

@whatsupboosh on socials.