20 Homeowners Vent About The Top Annoyances They Face In Their Own Homes

People from various backgrounds have taken to the internet to reveal their experiences as homeowners, sharing a common theme of frustration. These platforms have become a space where they can openly vent about the annoying things in their homes, creating a sense of solidarity among them. From quirky interior design flaws to unending plumbing and electrical issues, these grievances are a frequent topic of discussion.

Homeowners share tales of their struggles, highlighting how these persistent annoyances can significantly impact daily life. The online community has become a sounding board for those seeking empathy and solutions for their home-related woes. This candid sharing not only reveals the common inconveniences faced but also underscores the challenges of maintaining a home.

People seem to find solace in expressing their home-related frustrations regardless of whether they own or rent. The shared stories range from humorous anecdotes to serious challenges, painting a vivid picture of the varied experiences of homeowners.

1. “Can You Feel The Heat Of My Fury?”


2. “I’m Doing Renovations And My Roomba Found A Tiny Piece Of Sheetrock”


3. “I Feel Like This Happens To Me More Often Than It Should”


4. “Our Landlord Keeps Saying There’s Nothing Wrong With Our Shower…”


5. “Woke Up And Saw My Door Removed By My Parents. I Asked Them ‘Why?’ And The Replied With ‘Privacy Isn’t Necessary'”


6. “House Sitting For Uncle. Reached The Final Boss Of The Game ‘Unfamiliar Shower Controls'”


7. “So I Just Bought This Chair And None Of The Reviews Mentioned This…”


8. “You Guys Hate Carpet In The Bathroom? I Can One Up That. My Parents Have A Bathroom With Carpet That Goes Up The Bathtub Walls! Bonus Points For The Terrible Wallpaper”


9. “Sitting Under This ‘Vent’ All Summer Wondering Why I Wasn’t Getting Any Cooler…”


10. “Sunlight Through The Window Melted My Keyboard”


11. “The Image Speaks For Itself”


12. “Somehow, I Managed To Go 5 Blissfully Ignorant Stair-Traversing Years Without Noticing”


13. “Turns Out My ‘Thermostat’ Is Actually Just Hanging On A Nail And Doesn’t Control The Temperature Whatsoever. Shout Out To The Best Landlords Ever”


14. “The Cable Guy Installed The Cable Through Our Hula Hoop That We Left Out”


15. “My Father Forgot To Tell Me The Renovations Would Be Taking The Stairs Out Today”


16. “Found This On Instagram”


17. “To The Guy That Said His House Is Infinite Content For This Sub.. I Call Your Crooked Floor Vent And Raise You 3/4 Of An Electrical Outlet”


18. “I Think My Stairs Fit Here”


19. “The Sun Has Travelled Roughly 150,000,000 Kilometers To Reflect Off A Car Windshield Through A Small Crack In My Blinds To Shine Directly In My Face”


20. “Why… What’s The Point…”


Nate Armbruster

Nate Armbruster is a stand-up comedian and writer based in Chicago who is likely writing a joke as you read this. Find him online at natecomedy.com.