40+ Before And After Photos That Show How Quickly The World Changes

Here’s the good news and the bad news: nothing stays the same.

If you’re in a bad place, remind yourself that good times are going to come your way eventually — as long as you stay the course and do what you’re supposed to do. And if you’re happy, appreciate it and cherish these moments because happiness is a byproduct of quality friendships or hard work — it isn’t a permanent state of being.

Need proof? Look no further than these before and after photos, which reveal a constantly changing world.

From skills an artist has honed over the years to the rapid growth of technology, these fascinating pictures are a testament to how rapidly our world can evolve.

1. “My first-ever crazy candy cake vs one of my latest ones”

2. “I tried really hard. It didn’t deserve to be thrown away!”

3. “Before and after a 40-pound weight loss — I can’t even begin to describe how much better I feel.”

4. “I’ve never had a restoration as rusty as this one turn out this good.”

5. “They told us it might be cancer, but we adopted her anyway. Turns out she was just stressed out!”

6. “Before and after I cleaned my backyard”

7. “Changed my career 1 year ago to make cookies for a living. Here are the photos at the beginning and now.”

8. “The first hard disk from 1965 compared to some modern ones”

9. “Some of my babies before and after a good soak”

10. “I compared my art progress from the last 10 years!”

11. “My first ever attempt at making pain au chocolate a year ago vs now”

12. “18 months apart”

13. “A hair dryer in 1958 and in 2019”

14. “I started imaging Saturn 2 years ago today. This is my progress.”


16. “The chest of drawers, refreshed. It needs a little more paint on some places, but I’m pleased with it so far.”

17. “My progress in making cakes over the year”

18. “One year of makeup practice — there’s still room for improvement but I’m happy with how this look turned out.”

19. “When you draw 6 hours a day:”

20. “Before and after processing the Andromeda Galaxy from my backyard”“The image is processed to remove light pollution, color balance, and boost faint details. Nothing artificial is added. You could literally input the before picture into nearly any image editor and arrive at the second image. The trick is that the first image is absolutely massive, nearly half a gig large and full of faint details.”

21. “I made the same frog as a knitting progress marker. I’ve come so far.”

22. “The first macrame owl I made vs my most recent one”

23. “My nail growth progress! If I can do it, anyone can!”

24. “Spoon carving progression: my first spoon is on the left, and my latest one is on the right.”

25. “I lost 50 pounds. Am I crazy or did I lose weight in my nose?”

26. “Jo was adopted 3 months ago. I hardly recognize her in earlier pictures, and I can’t believe how fluffy she’s gotten.”

27. “The before and after results of cleaning and polishing an old purse of my mom’s from the ’80s!”

28. “My friend needed someone to fix a cake that she got from a decorator. I’m proud of my clean-up job!”

29. “6 months after my double jaw surgery”

30. “I don’t think our retaining wall had been touched since it was built in 1983.”

31. “A little over a year and about 175 pounds lighter”

32. “The progression of this cocoon hanging off the side of our house is awesome. Photos taken 8 days apart.”

33. “Our kitchen before and after remodeling.”

34. “This arrangement I made is doing remarkably well. Before/After. Time: About 5 months.”

35. “In 2006 my boyfriend asked me to do an epic painting for his birthday.”



38. “I recreated my 2018 New Year’s cake to see my progress in cake decorating.”


40. “Exactly one year of hair growth”

41. “My 90-year-old grandmother’s handwriting before and after her focused ultrasound essential tremor treatment”

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Alex Buscemi

Alex Buscemi

Writer. Billionaire. Astronaut. Compulsive liar.

@whatsupboosh on socials.