Life’s a rollercoaster of unexpected moments. Have you ever pondered, “What happens when…?” at life’s random junctures?
Often, you’ll stumble upon a fascinating fact or a quirky piece of trivia that ignites a spark of excitement.
The age-old adage, “you learn something new every day,” couldn’t be more spot-on after you check out these interesting pics. From the magic of lightning meeting sand to the challenge of munching on hot food in the frosty realms of Antarctica, these captivating photos are sure to make you gasp and marvel.
1. “If You Die In The UK And Are On The Organ Donor Register, The Nhs Will Send A Letter To Your Family Explaining What Happened To Your Organs”
3. “This Is What An Igloo Looks Like When You Build A Fire Inside. The Fire Inside Melts The Inner Layer Of Ice, And The Cold Outside Refreezes It, Adding A Layer Of Insulation That Can Keep The Igloo At 60° Inside While It’s -50° Outside”
37. “When I Was 3 Years Old I Decided To Put My Dads Brand New Cellphone In The Microwave. He Didn’t Understand What I Meant By “Phone Hot, Daddy! Phone Hot!! ” Until He Walked Into The Kitchen And Saw It Full Of Smoke. 17 Years Later, He Still Has It And Refuses To Let Me Live It Down”
38. “Husband Works In Public Safety And Emergency Management For A Big Hospital. This Is What Happens When People Ignore The Safety Cones Set Up Before The Storm”
When he's not doomscrolling Twitter or writing for Pleated-Jeans, Nate Armbruster writes jokes—and then tells them on stage as a stand-up comedian, where he can watch audiences (hopefully) laugh in real-time.