Woman Shares “Things Your Mom Might Not Have Taught You” For People Without Moms (16 Tips)

Something I’ve learned over the years is that, despite my wild instinct to ignore everything she tells me, my mom is almost always right.

But not everyone has a mom like that — some relationships are strained, some are non-existent, and sadly, some moms have even passed on. Fortunately, TikToker Eva_feeva created a video series covering all the “things your mom might not have taught you”.


Check out this list of excellent things she’s put together.

1. Finding your skin type can be tricky


Here’s a little test you can do: Wash your face, pat your skin dry, do not use any other products, and wait 1 hour. During this hour go about your business. Asses your skin and now try to find your match in an assessment guide.

2. Airports


Make sure your bags are packed following airport rules. Many airlines have an app to check in ahead of time. Get familiar with your gate number and terminal. When first arriving to the airport, get dropped off at your terminal. You can arrive by a friend, Uber or airport parking shuttle. Now it is time to check your bag. You can check in curbside, or inside the airport. If you don’t have the app, here is where you can also check in and print a physical boarding pass. Keep your ID and boarding pass handy to be scanned at security. You might be asked to take off your shoes and to place your carry on on the conveyor belt. All other smaller personal items will go in a basket. Then you go through a metal detector or xray machine. Take a seat to regather yourself and belongings. Phew! Take a deep breath if you need it. You’re doing great! Now let’s find our gate. Your gate might have a letter and a number. Follow the signs and don’t be afraid to ask someone who works there for help. Keep following the signs and be aware of your surroundings. Check your gate screen to make sure you are at the right place and the boarding time hasn’t changed. There are seats at the gate to wait or you can walk around. There are restaurants, coffee shops, and general stores. It’s time to board! Go back to your gate. Your seat may be zoned into boarding groups. Wait until your coarding group is called. You’re on the plane! Find your seat. Place your carry on above your seat. Sit down, take a breath, you did it!

3. Make an egg


I find it easiest to prep your eggs in a big bowl. It is best to use a wisk, but mine is broken so today I’m using a fork. Next, it is great to add some milk or cream, which can keep your eggs a little softer. Then add a small slice of butter to a pan on medium-low. I like to use a flexible spatula to fold the eggs around. Let them sit for a minute then fold around again. Add salt, pepper, and some grated colby cheese. Fold around again.

4. Laundry


Your detergent bottle will tell you which line to fill to. Mine is the top line. Put in the detergent first. Then load your clothes. Don’t pack them too tight, you want the clothes to be able to swish around. For this kind of load, a medium soil, warm water, and normal cycle is just fine.

5. Days in a month


An easy way to remember how many days are in a month is to use the hills and valleys of your knuckles. But remember, July and August both have 31 days so count off on both hands.

6. Distilled water or vinegar


Vinegar is an inexpensive, versitile, and natural cleaning product. it is antibacterial and antifungal. It’s acidity dissolves gunk and hard water build up. It also eliminates fabric odors.

7. Skin care


Make a little swmming pool with your hands to gently wet your skin. Try to match your cleanser to your skin type: normal, dry, oily, combination, or sensitive. Make your little swimming pool again to rinse and pat dry. Toner helps wipe any leftover impurities and prep the skin for serum. Serums are highly concentrated with ingredients to give your skin whatever boost it needs. Don’t forget your neck. Moisturize for your skin type as well.Lastly is a facial sunscreen. Sun damage takes 10-20 years to appear. Wear your sunscreen.

8. Gentle advice


Don’t be afraid to be yourself. You deserve to take up space in this world just the way you are. We are all learning, growing, and completely unique. You are capable of doing amazing things. We only do our best with what we can. Be proud of yourself.

9. Shaving


Shaving your legs is best started with a nice warm shower. Make sure to use a washcloth or body glove for a light exfoliation. If you are comfortable, shaving is much easier done in the shower. But if this is new to you, it may be safer to hop out of the shower. Lather your legs well with shaving cream or hair conditioner, I prefer to use hair conditioner. A 4 or 5 blade razor is preferred. If your hair is very long of dense, it is better to start going in the same direction that the hair grows (down). Every couple of strokes rinse off your razor. Then, go against the growth of hair (up) for a super close shave. Use a medium pressure. If your hair is already short and not too thick to begin with, you can start your shave going against the growth. Joints like knees can be tricky. Use light pressure and follow your skin carefully. Rinse off with warm water to get rid of any residue. Finish up by using a gentle lotion.

10. File


As we grow older we tend to accumulate a lot of paperwork. Some we need to keep. A filing box can help keep your important papers easy to find.

11. Fold a shirt


1. Fold in half, seam to seam. 2. Lay down all lined up. 3. Fold in sleeves along the seam line. 4. Fold in half once. 5. Flip, fold in half again. 6. Put away vertical or horizontal.

12. Getting your own gas


Turn off your car and take the keys out. Open the gas door and screw off the cap. First, put your card in and they will ask for your pin or zip code. You can also go pay inside if you have cash. Next, pick your gas. Majority of cars need just Unleaded. Pop it in snuggly, then flip up the tab to hold your handle in place. Wait for it to fill up. put the gas pump back, screw back on the cap and close the door.

13. Bleach it!


One of the most overlooked parts of bedding is your mattress protector. It provides a waterproof barrier between your fitted sheet and mattress. Which protects your mattress from things that might slip through the fibers of your fitter sheet like: sweat, spills, allergens, dead skin cells.

14. Box Breathing


Our world can be a little overwhelming lately. This can help you through big emotions. Used in yoga to navy seals, this will help regulate your fight or flight responses to be calm and think clearly. 

In through the nose for 4 seconds.
Hold for 4 seconds.
Exhale through the mouth for 4 seconds.
Hold for 4 seconds.
Repeat cycle as needed.

15. How to fold a towel


Everyone has their own method to folding, this is my favourite way to fold towels.

You are going to want to fold in half, hamburger style, then fold in half again. 

Next, fold into thirds and flip.

16. Brushing hair


Brush from the bottom up FIRST, then scalp to ends to stimulate the scalp.