50 Bad Designs So Dangerous These Designers Should Be Out Of A Career

When design goes wrong, it’s usually funny—but sometimes, it’s straight-up dangerous. These design fails are the perfect example of what happens when someone gets way too focused on making things look cool and forgets that, you know, function matters too.

Whether it’s a staircase to nowhere or a bizarrely placed obstacle, these designs should’ve come with a safety warning. If you’ve ever looked at something and thought, “Who approved this?”—you’re going to love these dangerously bad design fails!

1. A Pop-Up In My Car Telling Me The Dangers Of Taking My Eyes Off The Road, Causes Me To Take My Eyes Off The Road


2. When Your Security Gate Is A Ladder


3. If You Ever Thought Kids Getting Hurt One At A Time Isn’t Efficient Enough, Here’s An Idea


4. The Glass Globe Of This Light Focused The Sunlight Enough To Burn The Sun’s Path Into The Grass


5. A Banana Slide That Trains Your Determination. If You Get Lost, Your Crotch Will Die


6. Car At The Bottom Is Flooded. Car At The Top Has Been Totaled




8. Nothing Like The Smell Of Coffee And A Good Eye Stab In The Morning


9. And I Thought Tide Pods Looked Like Candy


10. Bicycle Lane In Paris. The Two White Bumps Are Nearly Invisible Because Of The Paint Camouflaging Them

11. My Feet Hurt Just Looking At This

12. This Hair Dryer Melts Its Own Casing

13. Our Municipality Finally Made Bike Lanes For Us

14. My Cat Just Trapped Me In The Bathroom By Opening A Drawer

15. This Packaging Seems Dangerous

16. The Entrance To Our Apartment In Berlin

17. The Outlet Is Less Than A Foot Away From The Shower And Is Inside The Curtain. Is This Safe?

18. A Very Useful Ramp

19. Removing One Blade Will Definitely Make The Fan Work

20. Stoplights In Lake Tahoe Filled With Snow Due To Not Having The Bottom Cut Out To Prevent Snow Accumulation

21. I’m No Architect, But I Think The Design Needs More Bolts

22. This Sign In A Hotel Elevator Is A Little Hard To Read


24. The Most Unsafe And Dangerous Design Feature I’ve Seen In A Hotel

25. A Plastic Vent Cover For An Industrial-Strength Heater



28. This Kid-Friendly Hand Sanitizer Package. Looks Like One Of Those Apple Sauce Things, No?

29. They Tried To Accommodate Blind People But Failed To See The Problem With This Design

30. New Windshield Completely Blocks Out Red Lights



33. A Late Night Bathroom Emergency May Become A Real Trip To The Emergency Room




37. This Is Just A Plastic Toy, And Not Candy


39. One Is A Toilet Cleaner, The Other Is For Washing Dishes. Choose Wisely

40. I Can’t Be The Only One Who Thinks That This Looks Like Protein Powder

41. This Soldering Iron Has A Screw On The Handle Directly Connected To The Heat Source. It Was A Burning Surprise To Say The Least

42. What Can Go Wrong If We Put The Power Button Next To The Most Used Key? Great Idea, HP Envy

43. This Bench. Where I Live It’s Very Hot, And It’s Impossible To Sit In This Park



46. Stainless Steel Bench At The Beach. The Temperature Today Is 31°C


48. This Power Plug Is Connected Exactly On The Opposite Side Of The Shower

49. This Dangerous Bike Lane I Came Across While Biking



Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome