25 Nostalgic Posts That Will Take You Back To Simpler Times (December 25, 2024)

Sometimes, you just need a moment to pause and enjoy something that feels familiar.

These nostalgic posts are like a time machine to simpler days—whether it’s childhood memories, retro trends, or little things that remind you of a less complicated time.

If the Christmas season has you feeling a bit overwhelmed, this collection is the perfect excuse to take a breather.

Curl up somewhere quiet, grab an egg nog (ideally with a generous pour of spiced rum), and scroll through these cozy reminders of the past.

It’s like a digital version of flipping through an old photo album, minus the awkward family photos.

1. Back In 1975, ‘The Muppet Show’ Predicted What Most Women Would Look Like In 2023

2. Restaurant branded matches (matchbooks) when smoking was the norm.


4. The last Sam Goody is set to close in 2025


6. Gina Ekiss, designer of the Solo Jazz cup (circa 1990)



9. How you Googled something before Google

10. Only People Of A Certain Age Know Why These Two Are Related

11. If you know what this is, you’re old

12. Same with these

13. And this

14. This too

15. Liv Tyler. 1998.


17. How you found out where your friends were in the ’80s


19. They really put a Discman with the Anti-Skip System in a museum already. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt older in my life.



22. Article about Michael Keaton’s casting as Batman. 1988.




26. Magic Slate

Read more: 24 Nostalgic 2000s Memes For Girls Who Remember When AIM Away Messages Were Art

Alex Buscemi

Alex Buscemi

Writer. Billionaire. Astronaut. Compulsive liar.

@whatsupboosh on socials.