50 Pictures That Are “Not Interesting” According To The People In This Online Group

We’ve often shared mildly interesting pictures, but things can’t always be interesting like everything else on the internet. The “Not Interesting” subreddit is just that.

It’s a place where people share all the least interesting pictures they’ve got. In fact, I’d dare say that these pictures are so not interesting that they’re interesting. See for yourself.


1. “I Get It…”

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2. “One Of My Legs Never Gets Sunburned”

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3. “I Color My Last 5 Staples So I’m Never Caught Off Guard With An Empty Stapler”

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4. “This Is What A Human Hand Look Like Under The Microscope”

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5. “I Stacked 140 Tictacs Into This Container Designed For 100”

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6. “My Mom Made A Cake”

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7. “I Rearranged My Desktop”

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8. “2… F*****g… Hundred And 93 Awards”

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9. “My Dog Has A Condition Called ‘Homochromia’ Where Both His Eyes Are The Same Color”

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10. “I Drew This Cow When I Was Sad”

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11. “Heart Shaped Puddle That Was Not Well Received By R/Mildlyinteresting”

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12. “My Microwave Asking For Sacrifices”

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13. “My Question Was Removed”

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14. “I Have A Very Straight Banana”

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15. “Decided To Shave My Leg, Really Didn’t Stop”

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16. “My Liver Is Working!!”

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17. “Did This In My Stats Class”

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18. “What Do You Call This In Your Country?”

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19. “I Just Tripped And Fell, Can Someone Help Me Up?”

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20. “Today I Noticed This Particular Packet Of Crisps Under High Surveillance.”

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21. “I Got Gifted A Bath Bomb By A Friend (I Don’t Own A Bathtub)”

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22. “Ah Yes”

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23. “I Was Trying To Print This Picture On A 10x15cm Paper, But Messed Up The Proportions”

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24. “My Mexican Mom Doesn’t Like That I’m Learning Japanese Instead Of Spanish”

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25. “Saw This At IKEA Today”

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26. “He Isn’t Bernie”

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27. “I Actually Have Zero Fingers”

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28. “A Graph Showing My Age Throughout My Life”

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29. “My Friend Gifted Me A Bath. I Do Not Own A Bomb”

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30. “I’m At My F*king Limit”

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31. “I Made X-Ray Of My Pet Rat Today And Accidentally Discovered That There Is Skeleton Inside Of Me”

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32. “I Accidentally Found A Legendary Monument”

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33. “She Said No”

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34. “I’m An American And I Tried To Name European Countries. Is This Good?”

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35. “Peak Reddit Moment”

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36. “I’m Russian And My English Sucks”

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37. “I Got A Warning From The School Principal For Setting This As My Whatsapp Profile Picture (I’m An English Teacher)”

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38. “Got Bit By A Bat Taking Out The Trash”

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39. “Damn”

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40. “I Don’t Have A Bathtub And I Wasn’t Gifted A Bath Bomb By A Friend”

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41. “My Dog Has Homophobia”

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42. “I Took My Husband To Buy Fabric With Me”

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43. “Which Button You Pressing?”

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44. “I Ripped A Paper In Half In Half In Half In Half In Half In Half…”

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45. “In 4th Grade I Stabbed Myself In The Hand With A Pencil. The Lead Drew Inside My Hand And Hasn’t Disappeared Since”

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46. “I Just Did This”

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47. “I Have Cancer And You Probably Don’t”

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48. “I Typed Nothing & People Were Generally Ok With It”

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49. “To The Guy Who Fell Over I Got You”

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50. “Every Problem Has A Solution…. Right?”

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Nate Armbruster

When he's not doomscrolling Twitter or writing for Pleated-Jeans, Nate Armbruster writes jokes—and then tells them on stage as a stand-up comedian, where he can watch audiences (hopefully) laugh in real-time.