32 Hilarious Possibly Fake Texts That We’re Laughing At Anyway

Are some of these texts fake? Honestly, probably. But does it really matter? Life’s full of little lies anyway—like pretending you understood the ending of Inception or that one friend who swears they’re “on their way” but hasn’t left their house yet. These texts are here for one purpose: to make you laugh so hard that you forget how many unread messages you’re ignoring right now.

So ignore the three texts you still haven’t replied to, and enjoy these gems that may or may not be real. Whether they’re true or not, they’re absolutely worth the giggles.

1. In fairness, it does take WAY longer than five years to live down something like this.

Image Source: Reddit

2. These texts need a laugh track.

Image Source: Reddit

3. Real or not, I’m thinking this text exchange has 100% happened before.

Image Source: Reddit

4. Well played, sir. Well played.

Image Source: Reddit

5. Ladies, would this line work on you?

Image Source: Reddit

6. I don’t know, this joke does feel like something a dad would drop.

Image Source: Reddit

7. This one has some logic problems, but if you go with it, it’s pretty funny.

Image Source: Reddit

8. I’d make my wife wait outside, too, in this situation.

Image Source: Reddit

9. Be right back, going to go text this to my wife.

Image Source: Reddit

10. I can see no fault in the logic here.

Image Source: Reddit

11. Actually, I could definitely see a husband sending this one (said as a husband myself).

Image Source: Reddit

12. This li’l bro either has one hell of a friend (or dealer).

Image Source: Reddit

13. Wow, I guess I am eating healthy, too!

Image Source: Reddit

14. He really walked right into that one (almost like it was made up).

Image Source: Reddit


Image Source: Reddit

16. I guess its in the genes!

Image Source: Reddit

17. I see what he did there.

Image Source: Reddit

18. Well, when you put it that way…

Image Source: Reddit

19. Think before you reply, folks, LOL.

Image Source: Reddit

20. Hey, look! It’s the fakest (but still funny) one on the list.

Image Source: Reddit

21. The real danger of marijuana.

Image Source: Reddit

22. This actually feels like a very authentic exchange in the modern dating world.

Image Source: Reddit


Image Source: Reddit

24. Hey, how did one of my texts end up on here?

Image Source: Reddit


Image Source: Reddit

26. I’d make an exception, too.

Image Source: Reddit

27. In fairness to the Beatles, this was an unreleased track.

Image Source: Reddit

28. Well…

Image Source: Reddit

29. This one may be fake, but it feels like the kind of exchange that happens a LOT between kids and parents/grandparents.

Image Source: Reddit

30. That’s one bad granny, LOL.

Image Source: Reddit

31. I don’t care if you laugh at this one, but please, PLEASE admire that A+ kitty.

Image Source: Reddit

32. Man, it’s rough out there for a short king!

Image Source: Reddit