Sometimes, life could use a shortcut, and the folks over on Reddit are here to deliver.
This collection of life hacks showcases tips and tricks that are so effective, they feel like cheat codes for life.
Whether it’s streamlining your daily routine, navigating awkward social situations, or just making life a little easier, these hacks prove that a little ingenuity can go a long way.
From simple ideas to clever strategies, there’s something here for everyone to pick up.
Take a scroll and see which ones you’ll be adding to your playbook.
Cheat codes? 99/100 times, being polite and kind will get you much further in life. It seldom pays to be a d**k. In general, default to kind.
A well-fitting suit can make the most average man attractive.
Giving random compliments to people improves their day.
You can get away with any crime as long as you have enough money to pay off the authorities.
When I realized that I’m not in fact the center of the universe and service to others really does matter…my life got WAY better.
Tell your wife or girlfriend to guess where you’re taking her for dinner. Then take her to the first place she says. Instant indecisiveness breaker.
People remember you for how you made them feel.
Whenever you find yourself in an awkward one-on-one social situation and you don’t know what to say, just start asking the other person questions about themselves. I’m not talking about “how are you?” or “how’s work going?”, but deeper questions like “what’s your favorite hobby?” or “have you ever traveled outside of the country?” This makes the other person happily take the burden of doing the talking and you get to learn something new from them. It’s a win-win situation 90% of the time and a great way to start genuine conversations and find common ground.
Respect from your subordinates is infinitely more important than respect from your superiors, and respect from your subordinates is earned by protecting them from the disrespect of your superiors.
Wrap your noodle.
It’s far easier to stay in shape than it is to get in shape, and being in decent shape pays dividends for your quality of life when you’re older as it keeps you mobile and healthy longer generally. So build those exercise and healthy eating habits early in life, but it’s never too late to start either.
Your biggest power in interpersonal relationships, be it friendship, romantic, or business, lies in your ability and willingness to walk away.
Life goes by fast. Do that thing that you want to do, do it now.
Admit when you are wrong, don’t know something, or have made a mistake. People will respect you for it (as long as you show you have learned from it).
Volunteering in an industry you want to work in will give you backdoor connections to job openings and let you skip some of the crappy entry-level roles.
Money is a real-life cheat code.
Can’t beat the main quest? Do the boring side quests. Next thing you know the main one is barely a challenge. Unable to make the big life changes? Do the tedious small daily ones. Next thing you know the big ones are barely a chore.
If you’re straight up with an officer or sheriff, you’re most likely getting that ticket knocked down a bit or getting a warning.
Drop a piece of toilet paper (or 2) in the toilet bowl before pooping to prevent splashing on your family jewels.
If you sleep more than 7 hours every day, you will feel so much better, it’s incredible.
Baking soda helps treat the sores in your mouth.
Look at people doing worse than you and you’ll always be grateful. Look at people doing better than you and you will never be satisfied with what you have. Sure, you can use the latter as motivation, but always be grateful for what you have.
Driving is significantly less stressful or dangerous if you aren’t in a hurry. Stay in the right lane, throw on that cruise control, and relax. Let the cars go around you.
If you be young while you’re young, you won’t be an embarrassing middle-aged person. In fact, if you be young properly, you’ll even appreciate getting older where life slows down a bit.
Humility is way better than pride ever will be. If you’re humble (not insecure), you’ll do way better in life than any prideful person ever will do.
Life is kind of long. If you practice something for 5 years, you get pretty good. Even if you only spend like 15-30 minutes a day. Consistency is key. Also, working out helps literally everything—health, confidence, sleep, energy, appearance, mental health, and it’s basically free.
If you need a question to be answered online, write it, then in another account answer yourself badly. People don’t like answering questions, but they like correcting others.
Go to Krispy Kreme a few minutes before closing, and they’ll probably give you the donuts free.
Do everything in moderation.
I read somewhere years ago that if you stare at people’s foreheads instead of direct eye contact, you make them feel uncomfortable. So I have proven that in my life to be true. Especially in a situation where you don’t have the upper hand.
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