Some things are just impossible to overlook in a relationship, no matter how good someone looks on paper.
People on Reddit are sharing the relationship red flags that make a potential partner completely undateable—whether it’s controlling behavior, a lack of basic kindness, or just a complete absence of self-awareness.
While some are obvious, others are surprisingly common traits that can turn a promising romance into a hard pass.
If you’ve ever ignored a red flag only to regret it later, you’re not alone.
Here are the deal-breakers people say they just can’t ignore.
There is no such thing as a handsome pigeon kicker. If you are cruel to animals, or beggars, or disabled people, you are extremely unattractive.
Anti-vax. I just won’t even consider dating someone who is anti-vax.
– A guy who’s unkind to women he doesn’t find attractive. HUGE red flag.
– Complaining about wokeness and using slurs.
– Voted for Trump.
Being ungrateful.
There are millions of people on Earth who are just trying to stay alive, but Bradley over here is ungrateful that his parents bought the wrong iPhone.
Always on their phone when they are in a social situation.
Inability under any circumstances to say; hello, please, thank you, or sorry.
Being condescending. Doesn’t matter how attractive you are — if you talk down to people like you’re better than them, it’s game over.
Having a nasty personality. I just went on a date with a guy that pulled out his dating app and showed me pictures of other women on there while he made fun of them. He’s a prosecutor. Did not go on another date with him.
Being a negative person all the time. A “woe is me” attitude is so irritating.
Self-identifying as an Alpha male.
Being racist.
Spitting. You’re not cool and you are making the world uglier than it was before you arrived. You are disgusting and an idiot.
Supporting MAGA is the greatest turnoff of all time.
Playing the victim with the inability to admit fault.
25 years ago, I broke it off with a smokin’ hot Latin American lawyer with millions of dollars, his own vineyard, and excellent bedroom skills because he snapped his fingers at a waitress in a busy-a*s bar. Instant, incurable ick.
Heavy drinking. Like black out drinking. Like get your life together.
Being excessively loud, trying to dominate conversations.
Noisy eaters, chewing with their mouth open. Gotta walk away.
Leaving their shopping cart somewhere other than the cart return.
Being a 1-upper.
I was walking down the street with an ex and we walked by a homeless person on the sidewalk. She said, “ugh I wish they’d all die. They’re so gross.”
That’s when I knew.
Judging people for hobbies that are thought to be out of their age group. I’m in my mid-30s and I collect Pokémon cards, watch anime, play video games etc. Many people would say there’s nothing wrong with that, and many would think I have an arrested development.
My wife is cool with it though. That’s all that matters to me.
Vanity. If you spend a lot of time talking about how much money you have, how everyone wants you, how you own stock in this and that and this suit is from this designer and this watch is from that designer, it’s an instant turn off and I just assume you’re lying about all of it.
Lack of empathy.
The other day I saw a hot guy in a casual cafeteria style restaurant. He had taken off his shoes and was sitting with his stocking feet on the seat. Big nope.
Smoking, it just stinks a lot.
When they only talk about themselves and don’t initiate a two-way conversation.
I once scored a date with a girl I used to work with back in retail. Absolute rocket. I wasn’t even sure how I landed her in any capacity but, regardless, I got my time with her.
It was cool and all, right up until she began talking about “brown people,” and called them “F*****g pakk**s.”
Didn’t talk to her after that.
As a funny side, however, she left to work elsewhere and dropped back in some year or two later looking for me, wanting to talk. I kept things short and went on my way.
Her boyfriend is from India.
No sense of humor.
Using the “that’s racist” while simultaneously being racist.
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