40 Of The Weirdest And Most Disturbing Pictures Posted To Reddit This Week (March 10, 2025)

Reddit can be a treasure trove of funny memes and wholesome content—but not today.

This week, we’re diving into the weirdest, most disturbing pictures Reddit users bravely (or recklessly) shared with the world.

From bizarre finds and inexplicable photos to images that genuinely make you question humanity, this roundup isn’t for the faint-hearted.

Proceed with caution—things are about to get unsettlingly weird.

1. Woke up to find an ear print on my back door. I will be buying home security cameras immediately.

2. Came across some caterpillars on a group mission in Alicante.


4. Text I randomly got from my old boss at a job I left a year and a half ago…

5. Someone put chicken in my engine. What does it mean?


7. Weird growth on my avocado seed.

8. I was definitely asleep when i sent these texts to my roommate. neither of us know what i was talking about.


10. I made a finger out of Play-doh.

11. Explain these footprints in the snow?

12. A picture my 3 year old daughter drew..

13. A buddy of mine thought it was weird that I write like this for hours. Is it weird?

14. Walking my dog today and came across… someone’s uncooked Thanksgiving turkey in a pet carrier?

15. Found cut up dollar bills on the street. It’s real money, why cut the center out?

16. Why would you choose this carpet for your hotel?

17. My girlfriend left me this note on her way to work this morning. I’ve never seen this flash drive before.

18. My Bf’s left eye has a 6 in it.

19. Wonder What Happened to This Guy

20. I woke up to a black glove in my foyer.

21. Someone burned three phones in the California desert- there’s also remnants of burnt mail, binders, and handwritten documents.

22. Bite marks appear 2 years after snake bite on my hand.

23. Opened a suitcase I found in a creek near my house.

24. My husband talks in his sleep and this is some of what I’ve caught.

25. My onions are growing towards my outlet

26. My next door neighbor.

27. Hello everyone this is the window ear guy. Earlier I was playing with my 4 year old son and noticed this.

28. Coworker got a ransom note for her kidnapped toy.

29. Random VHS tape sent to me. Return address is my home address as I’m at college.

30. Me & My partner woke up to both of our loft hatches open…

31. Woman with Schizophrenia draws what she sees on her walls.

32. Some random dude gave me a usb while at a pub dancing.

33. My mom washes her fruits & veggies in soapy water.

34. I received $104 in the mail with no return address?

35. A random burn appeared on my couch.


Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome