35 Great (And Hilariously Bad) Needle Felting Art Projects From Masters And Beginners Alike

Needle felting is one of those cool crafts that can yield incredible, lifelike masterpieces—or fuzzy, misshapen blobs of wool you pretend were intentional.

This post from r/Needlefelting features both ends of the spectrum, showcasing funny yet amazing creations from seasoned needle-felting masters as well as lovable, earnest attempts from beginners who might have slightly overshot their skill level.

But hey, the passion is real, and every misshapen animal or wonky character has its own woolly charm.

Let’s dive into the delightful world of needle felting, where talent, enthusiasm, and hilarious outcomes collide.

16. My retired mother got into the craft last year. She just sent me this today.

17. The Cuning

18. First time felting made me happy.

19. Help keep me going!

20. Kermit’s Rainbow Connection

21. Moo Deng the sassy baby hippo.

22. My first needle felted piece.

23. My first needle felting.

24. Needle Felted Rooster

25. First attempt – made my boy using his actual fur and whiskers.

26. It took me a couple of days to complete this needle felted portrait, but it was worth it right?

27. My borzoi named Sniff.

28. Yeti friend.

29. “I was thinking like an anglerfish…. Maybe mixed with a squid.”

30. Needle felted art doll.

31. My attempt at two ryukin goldfish.

32. First felting project.


34. My toys are made using mixed techniques. The body is felted from wool, the faces and some details are made from polymer clay.


Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome