Not all buildings are created equal. Some are stunning works of art, others are just… confusing. That’s where the Architecture Shaming group comes in. This online community is dedicated to calling out questionable design choices, baffling layouts, and buildings that make you ask, ‘Why?’
From doorways to nowhere to windows that defy logic, these architectural fails will leave you both entertained and deeply concerned for whoever has to live or work in them.
24. “The Fireplace In Little Moreton Hall (Built Between 1504 And 1610) Looks Wonky, But It’s Actually Completely Straight. It’s The Rest Of The Room That’s Out Of Whack – It’s One Of The Wonkiest Buildings In England”
27. “His Keeps Popping Up In My Feed For Ages.. (Stupidly I Clicked It That Probably Isnt Helping) I Guess They Are Having Trouble Selling This Hotel/Chapel”
34. “Never Loved The Blocky Split Levels That Are Cloned All Over The Pnw, And I Personally Think These Colors Make The Blockiness Worse. Esp Paired With Brick. Portland, Or”
Stefanie is an architect with 15+ years of working both independently as well as on teams of some of the top Architectural Firms in the country located in Atlanta, Washington D.C. and New York. She currently runs a coastal architecture and design service in Port Aransas, Texas. She is also the wife of the dude who runs Pleated-Jeans.