The internet loves to complain, but sometimes, things get way more hate than they deserve. From pineapple on pizza to perfectly fine movies that became the internet’s punching bag, an AskReddit thread asked people to share what they think gets unnecessary hate—and the answers did not disappoint.
Some of these are controversial, some are hilariously relatable, and a few might just make you rethink your own grudges. Here are the top things people say get way more hate than they actually deserve.
1. “Old People Doing Young People Trends”
“They just want to be a part of the social life fun !”
2. “Pineapple On Pizza”
3. “Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream”
4. “Black Cats”
“They are not evil and they don’t bring bad luck.”
5. “Stereotypically Feminine Things”
“Stereotypically feminine things. Sewing and crocheting requires patience and some skill. Pink colour is just a normal colour. Flowers are pretty. Make-up is art, as well as fashion. Writing and reading romance is okay. Long baths with candles around can be fun. Caring for your body is good. I don’t like any of these but it’s not my role to tell others what to do in their free time and to judge them. Just let people enjoy things.”
6. “Middle-Aged Women”
“Middle-aged women….like anything they like is just ripped to s**t.
Give them a break, why can’t we let them be happy?”
7. “Being A Virgin”
“Being a virgin. I don’t understand how it’s used as an insult or how people that are virgins actually go into depression over it. There is nothing wrong with it.”
8. “Vegans”
9. “Actors Who Played Characters That Fans Dislike”
“Also I feel like bad actors get way too much flack, they didn’t cast themselves and like most of us they wanted to simply succeed in their careers. Blame directors and casting directors that went for a look rather than a strong performer… actually going back to my first point if you don’t like a piece of media it is absolutely okay to not hate anyone.”
10. “Mimes”
“Some of them *are* a bit creepy. But unlike every other kind of street entertainer, they are not obnoxious.
They don’t say anything, they don’t sing with tuneless voices, they don’t play music that you don’t like, they don’t touch you, they don’t even throw anything in the air. They just do their thing. They’re very easy to ignore.”
11. “Twilight”
“If you’ve trashed a book/movie to the point where people don’t even want to admit they’ve read or seen it, you’ve probably gone too far. Let people enjoy things, it doesn’t have to be the height of sophistication.”
12. “Young Teenagers Doing Cringy Stuff”
“Everyone did it, no reason to hate on them so much.
Also, influencers going viral “for nothing” or “undeservingly”. I understand if that influencer is a confirmed, bad person overall — like committed an actual crime — but if it’s a random kid playing Minecraft or a girl lip-syncing to a song… Really, why are people getting so pressed? If they’re getting views, then some people are enjoying it. If you don’t, just… ignore them? I don’t get the hate.”
13. “Abortion”
14. “Music”
“It’s okay to not like a certain band or musician or singer, but people will become outright hateful and [mean] to one another over taste.”
15. “The Word Moist”
“The word moist. Not sure why everyone decided to jump on the bandwagon that they hate the word.”
16. “Teachers”
“They just do their work.”
17. “Coldplay”
“The first two albums are good, the rest I just don’t really care about. There are plenty of posers about to mock, people should get off the bandwagon and spread it about a bit.”
18. “Fanfic”
“It’s just hobby writing, everyone who thinks it’s dumb needs to grow up, and there’s thousands of writers writing novel length literature for fun, free online to read, and updated regularly. That’s mind blowing.”
19. “Large Weddings”
“If people want to spend their money on a large celebration when they get married, why shouldn’t they? I’d ont understand the hate and derision or gets. There’s a real backlash and reverse snobbery I see where anyone who spends more than £30 on a wedding is an idiot, and there’s a one-upmanship about who spent the least/had the smallest/quietest wedding. There’s also vague anecdotes about how those who spend more than a fiver are more likely to divorce and the marriage is doomed… If the couple want a big elaborate party and are willing to pay for it, just let them have their day. You’re not better than them because you got married in jeans at the registry office followed by a couple of pints in the pub, and they spent money on a big dress and nice venue and 3 course meal.”
20. “People Who Post Their Achievements On Social Media”
21. “In The UK We Judge People For How Much Milk People Put In Their Tea/Coffee. The More Milk The Worse?”
22. “Universal Healthcare”
“Like wow, affordable healthcare. I’ll never understand nor honor any argument that ever claims that it is bad for everyone. Simply because not a lot of people really grasp that concept.”
23. “Literally All Pets That Are Not Stuff Like Cats And Dogs”
“Rodents, reptiles etc. can all be very loveable in their ways too.
Funny story I randomly felt like sharing
My first pet after moving out of my parents place was a few years later with a mouse. I had never owned a rodent before.
I was working at walmart at the time and was forced to go do some of that bs computer training in the back when I noticed a weird box in the computer room with things like “I’m friendly” written on it, so I looked and there was this little boy mouse that someone had just abandoned. Hr lady said she was gonna take him to am animal shelter so I said f that and adopted him. He lived with me a little over 2 years before he eventually passed. RIP Gunther
I never expected to like rodents but I did after that and now I have 4 female rats who are being cared for by a friend atm due to a complicated living situation. My friends mom has a garden and gives them veggies as fresh as you can possibly get them lol.”
24. “Nickelback”
25. “Dubbed Anime”
“Like I’m not sorry I enjoy the same thing differently. Plus the work the English voice talent does is truly appreciated on my end.”
26. “Young Girls/Teenage Girls”
“Whenever people want to point how s****y something is they say teen girls like that, and usually just whatever they do is extremely criticized.
What they wear, what they listen to, what they watch….
And kids in general are cringey but I feel like it’s so much worse for girls.”
27. “People Minding Their Own Business And Living How They Want”
28. “Men With Kids”
“The looks you get if your a guy with your son or sibling is something that needs to change.”
29. “The Opposite Sports Team”
“We get it, you really like your team. Doesn’t mean you have the right to trash whoever is designated your rival team, their players, and their fans.”
30. “Joining A Fandom Late”
“People LOVE to gatekeep like no one could become a true fan after they did.
Same with bandwagon sports fans. Like just let people have fun.”