Parenting is less of a skill and more of a long, drawn-out endurance test where the rules keep changing, and the referees (your children) are completely unhinged. You can read all the books, follow all the expert advice, and still find yourself explaining to a small, furious human why they cannot, in fact, eat a crayon for dinner.
Honestly, I don’t know how the fictional parents of the past made it look so easy. The Banks family in Mary Poppins basically outsourced their entire operation to a woman with a flying umbrella, and Danny Tanner somehow ran a whole house on sheer dad energy and soft piano music. Meanwhile, I’m just over here trying to get my kid to put their shoes on in under 30 minutes.
But at least we have the internet, where fellow exhausted parents put our shared struggle into words—specifically, tweets. This week’s funniest parenting tweets are proof that we’re all just winging it, running on leftover mac and cheese, and hoping for the best.

