Your Daily Life in GIFs (7.29.13)

When you’re outside and the bugs won’t leave you alone:

When your friends bring something up that you said not to:

When you go grocery shopping hungry and then see the total:

When you walk in on someone in the bathroom:

When you overhear someone saying nice things about you:

When cops break up a party, even if you’ve done nothing wrong:

When you’re awake before everyone else:

Trying to walk after a really hard workout:

When you throw something at your friend, but it hits someone else:

Trying to explain things with majestic hand signals:

WheN pEoPLe TYpE LYke DiS:

When someone tells you to stop laughing:

When you get stuck behind a slow walker:

When people won’t stop posting selfies:

When you show someone something funny and are waiting for their reaction:

When you find a really great parking spot:

Most of these come from herehere and here. I came up with a few on my own.

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