American Man Complains About European Cafes Banning Laptops, Gets Torched In The Comments

A recent Twitter dust-up reveals the stark cultural differences between America and Europe.

Twitter user levelsio made a post that seemingly condemned European cafes for banning laptops. But many refuted him in the replies, insisting that cafes are for relaxation, not work, and that many Americans have lost the ability to do the former.

The resulting cultural debate was hotter than that second cup of espresso.

This man tweeted his disapproval of European cafes banning laptops

@levelsio tweeted his displeasure over Europe’s growing trend of banning laptops in cafes.

“The difference between European and American cafes is so stark,” he wrote.

“In Europe many don’t allow laptops anymore.

“In America they usually do and people are working on something cool!”

restaurant with lighted string lights
Photo by Celine Ylmz on Unsplash

Some netizens agreed that the bans were a bad thing.

“Didn’t realize the French considered productivity abuse,” tweeted one commenter, pointing out the sign reading “due to massive abuse.”

Some mentioned that the laptop ban was less about cultivating a relaxing vibe and more about economics

a group of people sitting at tables outside of a cafe
Photo by Dustin Bowdige on Unsplash

As Americans adopt remote work policies that allow them to work from anywhere, “laptop squatters” have become increasingly prevalent in cafes across Europe.

This poses a problem for cafes as they can’t turn tables as quickly.

One user replied: “Dude, it’s about people occupying tables and seats without ordering anything or just having small coffees every few hours. You’re welcome.”

Many said that the American’s disapproval of the ban highlights the country’s obsession with work and inability to enjoy life

While some replied aimed to explain the problem, others just straight up roasted the American.

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Alex Buscemi

Alex Buscemi

Writer. Billionaire. Astronaut. Compulsive liar.

@whatsupboosh on socials.