30 Funny Times Workers Gave Up Mid-Task With A ‘Not My Job’ Mentality

Work fails are only funny when you don’t work with the people who give up mid-task.

The “not my job” mentality can lead to a lack of teamwork and collaboration, as well as missed opportunities. However, it can also lead to hilarious work fails like the ones people are sharing online in the “Not My Job” subreddit.

1. “Local road crew repainted lines today”

2. “Made the sign boss”

3. “Installed Those TV’s In The Headrests!”

4. “Destroyed the Hard Drives boss!”

5. “Oh no…”

6. “Camera hanged… boss”

7. “Added the headline text, boss!”

8. “Reduced the flood risk, boss”

9. “Relaid the tiles after construction, boss”

10. *Tips fedora* M’ssippi

11. “Boss, I got the cake decorated!! Boss, I got the cake decorated!!”

12. “Anti-smoking ad gone wrong”

13. “I think Burger King forgot something”

14. “Fixed the Fence Boss!”

15. “Fixed the dumb telephone pole, boss. Fixed the dumb telephone pole, boss.”

16. “This floor moulding”

17. “Extreme wheelchairing!”

18. “Always get a home inspection before purchase folks”

19. “The weather graphic is ready, boss!”

20. “Spotted in Target. Next level fashion.”

21. “my BF ordered an egg and cheese bagel…”

22. “I think my FedEx guy was having a bad day…”


24. “My dad said ‘as close to the rose bushes as possible’……”







Read also: 30+ Funny DIY Fails That Really Put The ‘Why’ In DIY


Nate Armbruster

Nate Armbruster is a stand-up comedian and writer based in Chicago who is likely writing a joke as you read this. Find him online at natecomedy.com.