When you hear your mother admit that you were right about something:
When you’re about to run out of the house and realize you forgot something:
When your boss says you can leave work early if you want to:
When you’re waiting for a page to load:
When you walk into a restaurant and see a giant wait line:
When you go to eat a handful of chips and end up eating the entire bag:
When you took a multiple choice test and didn’t know which answer to pick:
When you look in the mirror and feel like you’re looking good:
When you realize ^that dog up there^ is a better dancer than you:
When you’re waiting for the oven to preheat so you can cook a pizza:
When someone bothers you while you’re trying to eat:
When someone is wrong on the Internet:
When they brought all the pies out on Thanksgiving:
How you feel on payday:
How you feel two days later:
As a kid, when your mom turned her back on you after telling you and your sibling to stop fighting:
Most of these come from here, here and here. I came up with a few on my own.
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